My first job or way I made money was delivering the local Pennysaver weekly with my friend Mike. We would first get the Pennysaver plus the ads and put it all on a table.
Next, we put it all together into a plastic bag. Our pay would depend on how many advertisements were inside, so we were happy. I think the both of us were around 7 or 8, and we had to get a worker's permit for children. The challenging part was delivering to 300+ houses in the rain, snow, and on hot days. We roll up the Pennysaver on Friday and deliver them on Saturday.
I think it taught me hard work and nothing is free in this life. This was in the 80s, and I think we made 5 dollars after taxes were taken out. I know many people now would call that slave work, but that gave me a great work ethic.
If you're still reading this, we stopped doing it as the adults started doing it with vans and took it away from us. I do look back on it fondly, though.