Story Behind making your first $$$ ??


Junior Member
Apr 18, 2018
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I made my first money by setting up a wordpress website for one of my friends in school.

Year - 2015
Earnings - 4$ approx

What about you?
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I made my first $10 online when I was 11.

I built something for a Minecraft server and the owner sent $10 to my mams PayPal.
This really is going to show my age.

Back around 1980 at school there used to be some kids who got free meal tickets, these were valued at 25p if I recall.
I used to buy these for them for 15p in cash so they could go to the local sandwich shop, fish & chip shop or where ever they wanted to do so.

I used to then offer these tickets with the 25p face value to other kids who had to buy school lunches and sell them for 20p.
I would sell 25-20 a week on average, plus I used to have lunch in school 4 days a week, so I was getting a 25p meal for 15p each time.
I made my first $ when I was 7-8 years old back in 1974-75 sometime , picking flowers and sold them to old folks in my neighbourhood knocking on doors. A lot of happy old ladies .. =)
You hit a jackpot at that age...
Wait I thought you meant first money online :D

When I was like 9 or 10 I used to buy chewing gum in bulk which ended up costing like 10 cents (euro) per pack,
and I would resell those chewing gums to people in school.
I'd end up selling like 10-20 packs a day for 50 cents each. So I made 5-10 euro mostly profit a day.

Eventually a teacher caught on to what I was doing and told me I can't do it anymore :(
Started experimenting with blackhat SEO back in '07 near the end of my senior year of highschool - built a few sites around some clickbank products and started getting some traffic, but fairly small numbers.

Got busy during the summer and put the projects on the back burner, then went off to college. Kind of forgot about it for a month or two, then got a check for a few hundred bucks from clickbank out of nowhere.

That sucked me back in, and been doing it ever since.
My friend and I concocted a plan to make our grades higher and make some cash at the same time.

He used to distract the math teacher while I snuck into the classroom just before the break between classes.

She would then lock the doors and for the duration of the 5 minute break I would open her little notebook where she kept the positive and negative points that ultimately decided the grade you get.

She would give you a minus for a wrong answer and a plus for the correct answer. As you probably imagine, it wasn't hard to convert the minuses to pluses.

We used to charge other kids $1 per plus so we actually made quite a bit of money, especially for that time.

As we considerably improved our grades, the teacher got suspicious because her recollection of our math knowledge and the grades we got didn't correlate.

We got off easy as there was no proof we did anything. She knew we did it but we never confessed.
I made my first money (earnings) in a job (that was over a decade ago). I am (freelanccer) self-employed since a decade. I guess most of the members here would have made their first money (earnings) in a job (employment).
The first money I made was from buying Hollywood chewing gum when I went on day trips to France with my family.

At the time you couldn’t buy that in the UK, and it was really unusual, so everyone wanted to buy some.

I always bought as much as my parents would allow, then sold it all for a good profit at school.

After making some money from that venture, I put all the profits into movie sales (VHS tapes at the time). Then play station games.

Eventually though, all profits went to the owners of the local kebab shop be it into food or the fruit machine.

Fast forward to now and to be honest, not all that much has changed, given that my last post was about investing in crypto currencies.
My first job or way I made money was delivering the local Pennysaver weekly with my friend Mike. We would first get the Pennysaver plus the ads and put it all on a table.

Next, we put it all together into a plastic bag. Our pay would depend on how many advertisements were inside, so we were happy. I think the both of us were around 7 or 8, and we had to get a worker's permit for children. The challenging part was delivering to 300+ houses in the rain, snow, and on hot days. We roll up the Pennysaver on Friday and deliver them on Saturday.

I think it taught me hard work and nothing is free in this life. This was in the 80s, and I think we made 5 dollars after taxes were taken out. I know many people now would call that slave work, but that gave me a great work ethic.

If you're still reading this, we stopped doing it as the adults started doing it with vans and took it away from us. I do look back on it fondly, though.
Car washing business when I was about 10 or 11.

I sourced out the best products, learned how to clean cars properly and had flyers printed. Went door to door doing sales and left flyers with people.

I charged between £2 and £5. I can't remember exactly, but I do recall the cheapest was £2 and the full with a wax and wheel clean was around £4-£5. I even calculated my margins and made sure it was all profitable before I started. Costed out my products and created different tiers for the service. :-)

This would be the early 90's, so it was good money. I needed to carry a little stool so I could reach the top of the cars.

I was only doing it part time(weekends), so it was just "pocket money", but it was fun and I made what was pretty decent money for that age.

I started off just doing basic washes for £1 to build up enough to get the good products and have the flyers printed. I always loved business and creating products.
Being broke, I joined a website called ShareCash, made some cracks and advertised heavily on YouTube.

Edit: or no. First I was doing bux and then surveys using my own data. Finally I started CPA which was kind of difficult for a 12 year old but I got it. Before I was peeling potatoes for my parents.

I'm a 24 year old internet addict, so don't wonder why I started that way.

Edit2: oh no. I think I made my first dollar selling cracked games on CD. I was trying hard to scale it at the age of 8.

Unfortunately that was illegal, so I kept learning and looking for legal methods. I think I sold maybe 2 or 3 games in total. Pretty bad results, but I was fearful af.
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In what context?

I got a $50 savings bond from a relative when I turned 1 year old.

I got $5 for my 3rd birthday.

I sold erasers to classmates in 1st grade.

I did chores for an allowance at 6 years old.

I babysat my mother's boss' kid at 8/9 years old.

I mowed lawns and swept tennis courts at summer homes starting at 10 years old.

My first online dollar? It was $0.75 for 6 months of ad space on my personal blog when I was 13.
I made my first money (earnings) in a job (that was over a decade ago). I am (freelanccer) self-employed since a decade. I guess most of the members here would have made their first money (earnings) in a job (employment).
Replies till now shows that most of them did business ;)