STOP READING ABOUT IT - DO IT - My Insatgram/OGAds journey


Junior Member
Sep 10, 2016
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First of all i want to say thank you to you all guys! I asked so much on this forum and you guys helped me a lot!! So after all that asking and checking out every details i finally decided that its time to start now and dont try to figure out every detail! Till now i had one account running with OGAds LP (in bio web2.0 pre-lander) and i got about 10 clicks and 3 conversion since i started (10 days ago). This account was self-made, no proxie and no Phone-verification till now. So its time for me to start this seriously and see where it goes.

What i did so far:
-bought Followliker
-signed up for AWS (free VPS)
-bought 10 aged non PVA accounts (3 month old)
-bought 10 dedicated proxies
-bought 10 sim-cards for Verification

To do list for today:
-wait for buyproxies to approve my proxies and set the accounts up in Followliker

I wont like pictures of my niche. At least not now.
Day 1 - 50 follows
Day 2 - 100 follows
Day 3 - 150 follows
Day 4 - 200 follows
Day 5 - 250 follows and change profil pic (related to niche) and set up bio with pre-lander.
Day 6 - 300 follows
Day 7 - 400 follows (wont go any further)

As soon as i reach 3.000 follows i will start setting up unfollow option in followliker.
Same plan for unfollows as for follows. So in total i will have 400 follows and 400 unfollows every day
after 14 days. Is that too much?

I will set web2.0 pre-lander in my bio which will redirect to OGAds LP. Every account will get
a own pre-lander.When its the same niche, the pre-lander will redirect to same LP(isnt a problem,is it?)

Total spend: -163$
Total earned: +0,90$
Balance: -162,10$
All the best in your journey mate!!
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All the best in your journey man..I am also working on same stuff with cpagrip. Not started yet to be set it up.. following your journey :)
Hey Nice share! I have also started with the IG journey 8-10 days back with 3 accounts, have earned 23$ till now.
but the problem is 1 of the account added to massplanner ask for phone verification.
1) So my question is what is this phone verification, means do they send a code to the phone no. in the profile or its something other.
2) And how many accounts can have same no.
Congrats on taking action:) hope you get your project balance on + soon:)
Thanks for your nice wishes guys! :) really appreciate it!

Hey Nice share! I have also started with the IG journey 8-10 days back with 3 accounts, have earned 23$ till now.
but the problem is 1 of the account added to massplanner ask for phone verification.
1) So my question is what is this phone verification, means do they send a code to the phone no. in the profile or its something other.
2) And how many accounts can have same no.
Yes it means that thay will send you a code which you have to enter then. Some say you can verify up to 2-3 accounts per number, but i will do 1account=1number
so im on the safe side!
@Laughtime which country did you buy your sims in? Cuz I wonder if I'm running my accounts on US ips then it wouldn't make any sense if I use russian or chinese sims for phone verification.
@Laughtime which country did you buy your sims in? Cuz I wonder if I'm running my accounts on US ips then it wouldn't make any sense if I use russian or chinese sims for phone verification.
Yeah, that was one thing i was worried about aswell, but i just have to do it and see how it goes.
Im from Germany. So i bought those sim cards here and bought european proxies.
Think that should be fine!
Yeah, that was one thing i was worried about aswell, but i just have to do it and see how it goes.
Im from Germany. So i bought those sim cards here and bought european proxies.
Think that should be fine!

Have you had a pva yet? Do update us on how it goes.
No i didnt yet. Yeah i sure will! I just had to verify per email on all accounts i set up! but im sure phone verification will come soon! :D
UPDATE #1 - Phone Verification

So, i set up 5 accounts on FL as i wrote this thread and 5 accounts few ours later. I had to do Email-Verification on ALL accounts. On 2 accounts i had to reset password.
1 of the password reset accounts got phone hit know :D. As its very late now here im goin to bed and do the phone verification tomorrow and tell you how it went ;)
Good night!
Sorry i forgot to keep this updated. Had a little bit of learning to do as im studying and had exams right now.
The Phone verification from "UPDATE #1" was no problem. Didnt get banned till now :)

So what i did:

yesterday i set up 2 accounts. I tried to write a human looking bio and changed the profilpic, and name (both related to niche)
and put in my LP link.

I also dont do web2.0 which redirects to main LP anymore. I know just simply copy the html code from OGAds LP and put in
on my web2.0 page. So viewers dont have to click an extra button and directly are on the "main LP".
Same for 2 accounts today.
So all together now 4 accounts are running with different niches, in order to see which niche converts best.

Till now i havent got any clicks or conversion but im hopefull that it will come soon. My plan now will be to set up link on
maybe 2-3 accounts per day.

Acoounts running: 10
Accounts running with link: 4
Accounts banned: 0
Best of luck with your journey! I too have just started this, currently have 3 accounts running and investigating making more accounts. If you want to discuss tactics or anything then feel free to pm me or drop me your skype!
Subscribed toi this journey as I need to learn more about OGAds

Finally i got my first cash now, after starting this journey!
Right now i got 7 accounts running with link, 3 accounts got hit by PV. But i was to busy last days to do PV, so i will do it tomorrow and let them start again.
This are my stats from today (and still 5hours left):


This was such a great motivation to finally see that it works! I was not getting any clicks or conversion first days and that really got me thinking.
Im just happy to see this and cant wait to move on! :)
Plan will be to get those 3 accounts running again, try a little more with the niches and then scale up!

Accounts running: 7
Accounts running with link: 7
Accounts hit by PV : 3
Accounts banned : 0
I am new here and totally confused so I will keep reading. But I have seen a few threads like the and it seems like a lot of work to make 90 cents. Is there a big payoff in the end? One guy has been doing it for months and is making 5 dollars a day. I know that is passive income but what is the end game? Can this grow to 500/day?