Stealing commissions with this method ?


Sep 30, 2009
Reaction score

I just saw this short clip :

Which really got me thinking. First off, how is this done? I'd assume its got something to do with cookies, does it just change automatically or does the popup have some sneaky code changing the cookie to his link or whatever?

And even more interesting, could this possible be used with CPA offers just like clickbank offers?

Please share your ideas, if you could get that to work with some big cpa offers... that would be insane !

Pretty cool vid. I don't think it's worth getting jailed for putting spyware to steal commission though.
How does anyone protect themselves from this? Like to hear from the gurus whats going on
here. A good explanation is vital. Lets hear it please.
Wish to hear other professional members to explain.
Posted via Mobile Device
No more comments? To me this seems like one of the most blackhat methods I have seen with huge potential but maybe thats just me
for clickbank its pretty simple. the last affiliate to have his page loaded is set in the cookie. so no matter what window the user orders from its still access the newly reset cookie. this i actually a very easy scam but some ppv networks will give you a hard time if you pop on the same or very similar url, which there are ways around of course.
yes, you could be banned, but CB is the easiest network to scam as nearly every applicant is approved. doing this is as simple as bidding on the advertisers url.
Try bidding the order url instead ;)
huh... i supposed this was well known... why the fuck would zango pay 15 cents for install if it wasn't for something like this?? :S
If you look at bids of top selling CB URLs you'll see that they go around 0.09-0.1$ per view.

That's x10 more than minimum.

That means that a lot of people are doing this already...
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Yeah, This has been done by lot of people but hardly it do work.
I have tested this method but only lose money.
Instead of try some extra ordinary to generate sale.
I think if you target the order page it would be to late. Right? Because once you are on the order page it shows you who the affiliate is. Unless it discounts what was placed down there when they hit order I dont see how it would work. The popup is going to load after the real order page so the cookie will be last but it would have already grabbed the real cookie. I could be wrong but thats how I see it working.

Has anyone tried that?
If that was happening you could look at the source code and see it right? You would see the flash or iframe I believe.

But that would be a sneaky way of not paying people :-)
There was a fellow BHW member who created a software that could "implement" cookies into softwares. It works with CB, Amazon, eBay, .etc.
So basically you use the software and embed your cookies into the software. Then you share the software to the public. Those who open it will be "stuffed". I heard it stuffs everytime when the person runs the actual installed program too.

I remember it cost about $999 or something.

Unfortunately, he was caught... fined and jailed, I believe.
Brought some unnecessary attention to BHW causing a flood of newbies.