SSH into Cpanel VPS


Power Member
Jun 3, 2009
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Ok.. so i am trying to assign the IPs for my nameservers... for my cpanel linux vps...

So I cant do it through the control panel.... So i found the solution...

But I am a total newb when it comes to SSH... can someone help me out...plz

I already have putty installed.. but I am not sure about the what port to

and i found this for basic SSH commands...
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The standard SSH port is 22, but many servers use some arbitrary port, you may need to find out from your hosting company.
Yea i got in.... and yea i used 22.. but I am not too sure...about my nameserver's IPs..

it seems that the Ips have been assigned... but my domains are not coming up in the control panel as valid...

I know it takes 24 hrs to propagate but I am sure that it happens much with my experience with go daddy...

So I am still not sure if I have this set up right........
Ok so basically you are trying to set up nameservers?

First thing you want to do if open putty/terminal and type ping

then it should tell you the ip of your nameserver write that down. To stop pinging press control c

Now you should go into WHM and go to the 'IP Functions' menu then 'Show Ip address usage'

Now go to 'Change site's IP Address' and make sure the 2 ip addresses are free.

Now go back and edit the nameserver's ip by going nano /etc/nameserverips

Ps. If you have a ftp client that supports sftp, you can edit root files using a text editor rather then by shell. The login is the same as your ssh credentials.
Ok so basically you are trying to set up nameservers?

First thing you want to do if open putty/terminal and type ping

then it should tell you the ip of your nameserver write that down. To stop pinging press control c

Now you should go into WHM and go to the 'IP Functions' menu then 'Show Ip address usage'

Now go to 'Change site's IP Address' and make sure the 2 ip addresses are free.

Now go back and edit the nameserver's ip by going nano /etc/nameserverips

Ps. If you have a ftp client that supports sftp, you can edit root files using a text editor rather then by shell. The login is the same as your ssh credentials.

Yea I went into SSH and assigned two IPs to the name servers....

I used this guide.....;wap2=

But now...

when I try to enable SPF and domain keys for the new domain.. i registered...

I get this error:

WARNING: DomainKeys cannot be used because this server is not a DNS server for domain

here is a thread i found.. while I am tryiing to figure this out...
if you have cpanel/whm setup simply login into your whm click on the first option basic cPanel/WHM setup

scroll down to your primary and secondary nameservers assign an ip address to each and add an a record...

wait perhaps 24hrs then start changing your domains to your new nameserver address and then again via whm create new accounts for them...

no need to use ssh for this if you have a whm/cpanel vps

if you have cpanel/whm setup simply login into your whm click on the first option basic cPanel/WHM setup

scroll down to your primary and secondary nameservers assign an ip address to each and add an a record...

wait perhaps 24hrs then start changing your domains to your new nameserver address and then again via whm create new accounts for them...

no need to use ssh for this if you have a whm/cpanel vps


Alright...I assigned both name servers an IP through SSH already....
and I dont see an option to add a record... all I see
is add an A entry next to assign IP address... is that it ??
if you have cpanel/whm setup simply login into your whm click on the first option basic cPanel/WHM setup

scroll down to your primary and secondary nameservers assign an ip address to each and add an a record...

wait perhaps 24hrs then start changing your domains to your new nameserver address and then again via whm create new accounts for them...

no need to use ssh for this if you have a whm/cpanel vps


BTW.. how much is your SEO.. service.. I think I might have to come see you..when I put more time into my white hat projects....:)
Alright...I assigned both name servers an IP through SSH already....
and I dont see an option to add a record... all I see
is add an A entry next to assign IP address... is that it ??

yep thats it :)