Ok so this is my first journey on here. Been a member for a while and learned a lot of useful things. Hopefully people find my journey useful and can learn from it or at least get inspired to start their own. The goal of this journey is to make 3,000 - 5,000 EUR/mo. The additional goal is to inspire someone else to take action as well. Point is to at least hit the low end goal of 3k, see what's making the most money and take it from there.
I've been in the whitehat, digital agency game for a while. Problem with all that is that everything takes for ever and you're constantly busy. The idea is to build revenue streams that enable me to have free time, move abroad and live the digital nomad lifestyle.
Every method I will post on here is going to be automated and I've been building automation tools for the last few months. I also bought a server, which is mostly set up now and ready to start warming up. To get the best possible results I will focus on B2B and B2C niches.
Ways of making money for this journey:
1. Autopilot web design
I figure I can charge 2-3k per website and outsource it to my guy for 20% of the price. This way I only need to sell 1 site per month and make half of my target income. For this purpose I've already made several scripts that will automate outreach to companies. One is a LinkedIn bot, that will reach out to the right people on there, the goal is to find decision makers and contact them automatically. The other crawls local websites, finds shitty ones and automatically contacts them by email. These two bots should fill the top of the funnel, the idea is to only engage in person with those that make it to the bottom of the funnel. I consider these people hot leads, people in the middle of the funnel are warm, and I will periodically re-engage them with my bots to see if they can be reactivated.
I already have several profiles I will use for this purpose and will be opening more soon. In my tests I can reach out to about 50 people per day without getting banned. So the math is 50*30 = 1500 people per month per profile. I will start with 5-10 profiles which should give me a reach of at least 7500 people per month. And that's just on LinkedIn, I can send as many emails as I please directly to companies, but I prefer the LinkedIn method since you can find the exact person (some kind of marketing manager, cmo, ceo, etc.) and contact them directly. Response rate is much better than just emailing the main company email and landing in so secretaries inbox.
- I still need to correct some things about the bot to improve accuracy, specifically I want to check the website of the company and give it a score based on what it looks like then include that into the outreach message itself, or at least only reach out to people whose websites suck, timeframe: 7 days
- finish the funnel, timeframe: 3 days
Once set up, the bots will run on my servers on their own filling the funnel and I will only get involved once they reach a certain point - express interest. This way its going to be on autopilot. It can also be scaled, I can open essentially as many accounts as I want with my method.
Conversion rate only needs to be 1 in several 1000 people for this to work so I think my chances here are pretty good. I think it should be much better.
2. SMM (spamming)
I see a lot of companies that have less engagements on their social media posts than they have employees. When you have less likes than employees you know you have a problem if even your employees don't like your posts. Having built a bunch of bots to automate different tasks on social like commenting (using text generation), sharing, liking, etc. I plan to offer these services to companies. Here I will go more into blackhat methods and essentially offer companies new ways of spamming the f*** out of social. I'll also offer services to boost youtube videos to get on page 1 for our country, etc.
I'm going to start warming up a few 100 accounts next week probably and then start offering these services. Also any kind of social proof they want, reviews, etc. I don't care, as long as they pay. Maybe I'll draw the line at bad mouthing their competitors. I've had such requests in the past but I was doing this whitehat, so we'll see.
- open 300 accounts to start on the main social media (facebook, youtube, etc.) and begin warming them up, timeframe: 7 days
3. Autopilot websites
I already built 1 website, content is not yet fully automated though. This site will be in my local language and the idea is for it to be the local version of buzzfeed or something similar. I have scripts to pull content from foreign sources and make pretty decent articles. Even for English, the results pass copyscape usually with 10-12% matches, which should be perfectly fine since I tested articles written about the same topic for different new outlets by actual writers/journalists and copyscape found anywhere between 10-20% matches (phrases, etc.) I plan on using Google API to translate these articles into local language and publish them.
With content automated I will use my bots to promote them on social. At least at first when I don't have enough clients to occupy my bots 100% they will be boosting my websites. Then hopefully they will gain enough traction to sustain themselves for the most part.
I have another domain for another such website. Here the focus will be on buying guides, gifts, reviews, etc. Content will also be automated, traffic with bots from FB. Here I plan to introduce quizzes, etc. to try and gather email subscribers, something like "find the perfect gift for ..." and they input data about the person and get recommendations.
Monetization for this site will be by ads, and I plan to make link to local ecommerce sites if I can work out a deal to get them to pay per click. Although they don't want to pay much per click, about 0.1-0.2 EUR/click but probably still more than adsense, and the CTR is probably going to be much higher since these people are actively searching for what to buy. There are local price comparison sites which charge 0.4 EUR/click but a lot of companies complain bout that. So maybe there is a niche to be carved out here.
I will see how this goes.
- finish content automation scripts for both site, timeframe: 7 days
- set up wordpress on the second site, timeframe: by 3 days
In the next week I should have finished:
- webdesign funnel
- wordpress for the buying guide/review site
- open 300 accounts
- final corrections to the bots and content automation scripts
I've been in the whitehat, digital agency game for a while. Problem with all that is that everything takes for ever and you're constantly busy. The idea is to build revenue streams that enable me to have free time, move abroad and live the digital nomad lifestyle.
Every method I will post on here is going to be automated and I've been building automation tools for the last few months. I also bought a server, which is mostly set up now and ready to start warming up. To get the best possible results I will focus on B2B and B2C niches.
Ways of making money for this journey:
1. Autopilot web design
I figure I can charge 2-3k per website and outsource it to my guy for 20% of the price. This way I only need to sell 1 site per month and make half of my target income. For this purpose I've already made several scripts that will automate outreach to companies. One is a LinkedIn bot, that will reach out to the right people on there, the goal is to find decision makers and contact them automatically. The other crawls local websites, finds shitty ones and automatically contacts them by email. These two bots should fill the top of the funnel, the idea is to only engage in person with those that make it to the bottom of the funnel. I consider these people hot leads, people in the middle of the funnel are warm, and I will periodically re-engage them with my bots to see if they can be reactivated.
I already have several profiles I will use for this purpose and will be opening more soon. In my tests I can reach out to about 50 people per day without getting banned. So the math is 50*30 = 1500 people per month per profile. I will start with 5-10 profiles which should give me a reach of at least 7500 people per month. And that's just on LinkedIn, I can send as many emails as I please directly to companies, but I prefer the LinkedIn method since you can find the exact person (some kind of marketing manager, cmo, ceo, etc.) and contact them directly. Response rate is much better than just emailing the main company email and landing in so secretaries inbox.
- I still need to correct some things about the bot to improve accuracy, specifically I want to check the website of the company and give it a score based on what it looks like then include that into the outreach message itself, or at least only reach out to people whose websites suck, timeframe: 7 days
- finish the funnel, timeframe: 3 days
Once set up, the bots will run on my servers on their own filling the funnel and I will only get involved once they reach a certain point - express interest. This way its going to be on autopilot. It can also be scaled, I can open essentially as many accounts as I want with my method.
Conversion rate only needs to be 1 in several 1000 people for this to work so I think my chances here are pretty good. I think it should be much better.
2. SMM (spamming)
I see a lot of companies that have less engagements on their social media posts than they have employees. When you have less likes than employees you know you have a problem if even your employees don't like your posts. Having built a bunch of bots to automate different tasks on social like commenting (using text generation), sharing, liking, etc. I plan to offer these services to companies. Here I will go more into blackhat methods and essentially offer companies new ways of spamming the f*** out of social. I'll also offer services to boost youtube videos to get on page 1 for our country, etc.
I'm going to start warming up a few 100 accounts next week probably and then start offering these services. Also any kind of social proof they want, reviews, etc. I don't care, as long as they pay. Maybe I'll draw the line at bad mouthing their competitors. I've had such requests in the past but I was doing this whitehat, so we'll see.
- open 300 accounts to start on the main social media (facebook, youtube, etc.) and begin warming them up, timeframe: 7 days
3. Autopilot websites
I already built 1 website, content is not yet fully automated though. This site will be in my local language and the idea is for it to be the local version of buzzfeed or something similar. I have scripts to pull content from foreign sources and make pretty decent articles. Even for English, the results pass copyscape usually with 10-12% matches, which should be perfectly fine since I tested articles written about the same topic for different new outlets by actual writers/journalists and copyscape found anywhere between 10-20% matches (phrases, etc.) I plan on using Google API to translate these articles into local language and publish them.
With content automated I will use my bots to promote them on social. At least at first when I don't have enough clients to occupy my bots 100% they will be boosting my websites. Then hopefully they will gain enough traction to sustain themselves for the most part.
I have another domain for another such website. Here the focus will be on buying guides, gifts, reviews, etc. Content will also be automated, traffic with bots from FB. Here I plan to introduce quizzes, etc. to try and gather email subscribers, something like "find the perfect gift for ..." and they input data about the person and get recommendations.
Monetization for this site will be by ads, and I plan to make link to local ecommerce sites if I can work out a deal to get them to pay per click. Although they don't want to pay much per click, about 0.1-0.2 EUR/click but probably still more than adsense, and the CTR is probably going to be much higher since these people are actively searching for what to buy. There are local price comparison sites which charge 0.4 EUR/click but a lot of companies complain bout that. So maybe there is a niche to be carved out here.
I will see how this goes.
- finish content automation scripts for both site, timeframe: 7 days
- set up wordpress on the second site, timeframe: by 3 days
In the next week I should have finished:
- webdesign funnel
- wordpress for the buying guide/review site
- open 300 accounts
- final corrections to the bots and content automation scripts