Spelling error as keyword?


Jan 20, 2013
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Hey guys!

I'm very new to this stuff, I just found this forum a few days ago. I've owned a small Etsy business that's brought in around 2k/year so far. Not bad, but I would like to make a living off of it eventually, and other methods. (lots of work, I know)

Anyways, to the question..

With google is it possible to use common misspelled words as your keywords? Let's just say you use a keyword that is commonly misspelled with one letter, could I use variations of that word?

"lether belt"
"lether watch"

Thanks, and sorry for the noob question ;D
It can be done but personally, I have found it doesn't work as well since Google introduced:

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So basically it corrects the search for them. You can do well with some misspelled domain names though for errors with type in traffic.
Jagged55 is right. Nowadays people are less likely to pursue the incorrect term when the corrected option is so obviously available after inputting your search. Nice idea though!
Thanks for the replies guys, appreciate it!

yeah, I assumed the autocorrect would screw it up... thought maybe I had tapped into something great haha.
Well I think its a great idea. Shame search engines are so helpful thesedays! lol
Remember.... Google ranking now has a lot to do with "user experience"...and mispelled words detract from that and can actually hurt your ranking. It might sound silly.... But in my experience, I do a lot better focusing on good content, correct spelling and grammar.