Specific Anchor text can impact negatively in general anchor text


Regular Member
Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
I have a problem with one of my sites. My site is about cars and I have as anchor texts:

Volkswagen Cars
opel cars
mercedes cars
audi cars
ferrari cars

The problem is that was positioned on page 4 for keyword "cars", but now I am not in the top 10. I've never done any backlink to this keyword, only for the other anchor texts.

Anyone know if this is a penalty? When using other anchor texts are considered too I am using the anchor text "cars"??

Hopefully some advice.
Not a penalty, your statement that you've never done work for just the word cars is your problem and you are lucky that you ranked for it at all before.
Are you using SAPE links?
Do you use keywords like auto, vehicles, car, cars, vehicle, truck, specific car models etc?
Yes, i have some sape link too, but i dont use this anchors ( auto, vehicles, car, cars, vehicle, truck, specific car models), only use anchors as Volkswagen Cars, opel cars, mercedes cars, audi cars, ferrari cars...

This is pretty sick. it happend for me as well. It looks like we need to diversify the anchor text completely.
This is my backlinks profile. What u think about this?? Exact match keyword is low, but broad match is very high.....

as you have 184 google plus, may be it brings negative ranking
well i think that my problem is the 75% broad exact match....the google plus isnt the problem. what do you think?
don't know for sure, I have tanked sites before with google +... haven't used it ever since.