Solana gonna Luna?

It's already down from 250 USD. But there are chances SOL will go back to 250 usd when things cool off next year
People deeply invested in crypto after reading this be like:

Anything can happen!


Solend isn't Solana. And in general, the situation of Luna and Solana are completely different.

I hope Solana doesn't shit the bed. I got $500 worth a few weeks ago, when the market dipped, but before it really dipped :p

Anyway I'd hate to lose $500. Hodl strong Solana, don't Luna all over us! :p

I hope Solana doesn't shit the bed. I got $500 worth a few weeks ago, when the market dipped, but before it really dipped :p

Anyway I'd hate to lose $500. Hodl strong Solana, don't Luna all over us! :p

As you know, Luna crashed because it was linked to UST, and after the stupid marketing stunt to back parts of UST with BTC (and even AVAX, lol), there was a coordinated attack on UST which started to depeg, which in turn caused mass sells, and when UST crashed it took LUNA with it. Solana doesn't bear this kind of risk since it isn't linked to any stablecoin. Of course, all cryptos (especially all alts) can go to 0, but I don't see that happening in the near future.

The Solend move was garbage, but it is only one of many applications running on the Solana blockchain. The Solana team isn't responsible for their actions.
While Solana is not Solend, the fact is that if they liquidate the whale's position normally, Solana will go down and more liquidations will be triggered and it will be Luna all over again. So to prevent this , which sounds like a good reason to intervene, they want to shift the goal post in the middle of the match. Sounds like choosing between the devil and the deep blue sea.

Long and short of all this is that Blockchain regulation is imminent. The world is regulated. Something created by the world cannot escape regulation. Its a matter of time.
This is as close to owning any shitcoins I have gotten
Absolutely right. I am hoping they go up as I have vested interests.

The major issue with SOL is most of it is held by VCs hence they play with the price to cut their losses.
There are alternatives much better and decentralized like Avalanche. They promise you a lot of TPS but they are centralized, the network goes down when it gets congested and is not as secure as Avalanche is.

By the way, I think centralized projects will have problems in the future as cryptocurrency regulations advance.
I doubt Solana will survive this bear market. I also doubt we will every see a new ATH. Early investors are selling off and have been doing so for quite some time.
This will not happen. They are design completely different
Soluna lol. Hope it won’t. High hopes for Solana.
I know some people wont like to read this but: Solana is a scam, even worse than Ethereum... Blockchain/Crypto buzzword bingo investor-scam.