So where do I start?

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Jan 11, 2015
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OK I've come to this site quite a bit, I've aimlessly read post to post from the making money to personal journey forum and I must say, I am lost. There is a lot of jargon that I don't understand being used. Where do I start as a total beginner to internet marketing on this forum? Thanks.
There are many ways to make money on the internet.

If you are good at writing I would suggest you start a blog, learn basic html and css while building the website.
Post good content, practice SEO, PPC, list building.

Sign up to Adsense.

Start somewhere to get the ball rolling.
There are a lot of different fields in IM, and a load of posts with lists of the best starter methods.

Have you checked out the journey section, yet?

Great place to read what other people are actively doing, and what works best/doesn't for them!
First of all, don't classfy yourself as a "loser", that's not a healthy way of thinking about yourself. Even those who are most successful with IM & making money started with no experience at one point so my suggestion would be:

1. Read threads of interest
2. If you don't understand something, look it up. (Or do #3)
3. Post a thread with your questions about what you don't understand.
4. Test, test, test. If you read about a method, try it out, you may find you own twists.
5. Don't give up, the more you fail at something, the more you learn.

Good luck!
Seriously, you need to work that attitude! You can't win if you describe yourself as a loser, and ask in a sort of "looking for sympathy"ish tone for help. Read the forums, participate, and the secrets will open to you. This place is a goldmine when it comes to networking with people, trust me on that.
At first it may seem like a lot of coded info with the jargon.
The solution was simple for me when I first got into IM: google search.

Welcome and enjoy the ride.
What are the core basics I should know in order to get into an affiliate type deal? What is a coding language most beneficial to know? Having a website, is it a must? So many questions.
Literally every slang word you don't understand you can learn by typing it into google + adding SEO.

A ton of journeys aren't about having websites, obviously you don't need one.

You clearly haven't read as much as you claim. Spoon-feeding you now that you're learning the basics would not teach you the most important thing - that you need to learn, experiment, and cope with everything yourself.

If you can't handle learning by yourself how do you expect to handle having an actual business...

P.S. Hopefully you're not serious with this username. I've used degrading usernames before, but always jokingly - if you define yourself as a loser maybe you should work on your self esteem first. Although I've found that the best way to deal with this is to work so much, that I don't have any spare time to think about failures, etc.
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