SMS Payments please help...


Aug 8, 2010
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Hello All

I looking for payments by sms on my website but I need
SMS with return access codes for service.

That should works like:

1. User sending sms with special code on special number
2. user receive the code for my website
3. user enter the code on website and get the my service.

Everything I have on my website so I don't need any programs from comany with new windows etc.

All Codes must be generate on website of service and I must download that codes and put to my website database for allow userc when the type proper code.

Does someone know comapny who got that service??

Thats looks like this
Service Name: SMS with return access codes for service.
The service is based on access codes enabling the download of files and access to the paid parts of internet services. The user sends SMS Premium message with a specified content to a given number, and receives the code in return. When writing in the code on my website, the user have an access to the information.

please help me...
yes I found 2 website but registration is finish(stop) does someone know company who got that service what I need?

I am in U.K but company can be from any country
I'm interested in this too, if anyone knows, sharing is caring:)
yes thanks you...

but non of this website do not have that optio

SMS with return access codes for service.
The service is based on access codes enabling the download of files and access to the paid parts of internet services. The user sends SMS Premium message with a specified content to a given number, and receives the code in return. When writing in the code on my website, the user receives an access to the information. All codes I must download and put in my database.

Does someone know company who have this service??
Yes it is a lot but everyone have own botton which I must put on my website and after entering the code the button page transfer user to premium site. but that do not works on my website. I need code in my database and I do not found a provider who allow to download premium codes...:(
allopass is good. I was doing good with adult content until i got caught. Conversion is so much better with sms payments.
Do Google search you might get many more or follow your mobile your mobile I'm getting sms send by some out sider except my service provider so you might reach them
yes thanks you...

but non of this website do not have that optio

SMS with return access codes for service.
The service is based on access codes enabling the download of files and access to the paid parts of internet services. The user sends SMS Premium message with a specified content to a given number, and receives the code in return. When writing in the code on my website, the user receives an access to the information. All codes I must download and put in my database.

Does someone know company who have this service??

Fortumo has exactly that option. It even has a gateway nowadays (gasp!)

Premium SMS to a shortnumber with a kw specified by you and a reply message defined by you as well. I've done that :)

Check it out again.

I have account with fortuno but I do not know how I can download receive codes ... how you done that??

You can check what I thinking about whey you check my website


If someone can help I can give to that person a really good voice server and game server if want;)
I need something simillar,but I don` t have a website, I have searched the net for months...I need company which provides SMS number,where people will send sms and receive a short code.This is it.
I know what that is and how that works but I can not find a service what I need.

Because I can not install a extra button for the service and after enetering the proper code (website will transfer user to my premium website) because this way do not work on my website because, they must type the code in my website.

User type all info
pass ...ext
and in last box the code
After that script on website will check the code if is ok user is automaticly registration and he can login to the control panel.

All button do not works because user type the code in special windows which is not connect to my database and can not access user to contol panel.

In Poland they got exactly the service what I need. But I do not have Polish ID for that:(

You can check that


name of the service - SMS with return access codes for service.

And I need exactly the same service, and that is the problem;/

That extra button is ok but all codes I need in my website database because user can type twice that cose in button window and on my website. But all codes I must download and put in to database. I have so big problem with that because I do not saw any company in UK or EU (just in poland) who got that service...

that must work in this way

1 user sending sms with code on number
2 user receive sms with code
3 user fill up all details and put the code from sms
4 user is registered and can login in to control panel

other way do not works...;/

Does someone have any option...??