Smartlink promotion


Junior Member
Apr 16, 2011
Reaction score
Hey guys,
I'm interesting in mother/child method to promote smartlinks. I can't figure out the method how to build main(mother) account. So what exactly is the right method to build it? Scrape content from specific twitter girl acc and use the content on the main account? Or there's other methods? Any tips?
mother child is: smaller accounts retweeting main account.

Feel free to use content from someone and get a DMCA :)
Yeah I know whats the mother/child method is. My question was about the mother account content. And you are right, if one gonna use the content that is DMCA protected it's not gonna last long. So where from everyone get the content?
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As the people above said be careful about DMCA
Hey guys,
I'm interesting in mother/child method to promote smartlinks. I can't figure out the method how to build main(mother) account. So what exactly is the right method to build it? Scrape content from specific twitter girl acc and use the content on the main account? Or there's other methods? Any tips?
Be careful with scraping content you might get banned.