Skype Isn't Safe Anymore

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Feb 8, 2009
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"Since Skype was acquired by Microsoft, both entities have refused to answer questions about exactly what kinds of user data can be intercepted, what user data is retained, or whether eavesdropping on Skype conversations may take place."

Skype is probably logging everything ever since Microsoft bought them.

Also see:

Bill Gates is an evil eugenicist (people who want to kill almost everyone to make a super race) who has also spent MILLIONS on Monsanto stock. He is pure scum who funds stabbing people with poisons and everyone adores him.



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Sad thing is at the end of the day no one is going to leave Skype because of this.

Look at FB they had TONS of privacy issues.. did anything happen to them? did they lose momentum? nope.
True I mostly made this thread because I know a lot of people here use Skype to talk about IM stuff and Microsoft obviously is a search engine.
Your use name shows what you are :)

lol :) Btw, Are you mhatter or skype hater ? cool :cool:

It absolutely amazes me at what people talk about over Skype. Think about all the things that are "banned" here at BHW and then some even the open, in chat rooms.....where all the data is not only logged but also filtered against keyword lists that "The MAN" wants to watch you for (shakes head).

Just be careful guys. I know 90% of everyone (might be being generous with that stat) operates above legal scrutiny, but even so, just be safe folks.

Cryptocat, Jabber + OTR, Jitsi......all good places to "start" if you are interested in protecting your privacy.

Howcome, since when Microsoft bought Skype .. I Never heard of it
And i believe it still save, because skype is a big company specially after offering their services to facebook users
your right about bill gates gives hundreds of millions to monsanto ( if you dont know their trying to own the worlds food) please look it up if you dont understand. its very simple actually how their doing it. then bill turns around and starts that african organization to vaccinate and feed africa. looks like a Kansas City shuffle to me old sun tzu smoke screen
Microsoft already had agreements in place with DoD/NSA et al to provide backdoors for them in all software that they create or controlled. It was therefore obvious that Skype (one of the only encryption programs the government couldn't crack) was acquired precisely in order that it could be accessed by the feds. The only encrypted communications program we can trust won't be sold off to Jackboot Central is an open source/creative commons type program.
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Saw a really interesting comment here:

I know a person who developed a product which Microsoft had an interest in. They were communicating with their programmers about changes to their product through Hotmail. They noticed when they discussed a weakness in Microsoft's web services that Microsoft's product it would be mysteriously patched a few days later. After it happened several times, they decided to stop using Hotmail just in case. It would be bad publicity if they caught Microsoft, but catching employees doing something "wrong" in someone else's company is practically impossible. Companies which handle our private data need to tell us how our data is being used, but while Europe has many privacy laws America has practically none. The probability of being caught is next to zero and if they were Microsoft would circle their wagons. People do things like that because they don't think they will be caught. It would be foolish to trust Microsoft with Skype in the absence of an assurance they won't.
Facebook for all its sins at least tells those interested enough to look what they do with their private data. Microsoft doesn't.

Now THAT is worrying.
Planned Parenthood != eugenics

Increasing the quality of health care institutions worldwide != murdering billions of people

A TINY PORTION OF THE POPULATION suffering adverse side effects to NEEDED immunizations != funding poison fetished "killers"

You can cut through your hyperbole with a knife. I know this discussion was intended to be framed around Skype, but the fact immunizations are put on blast is absolutely ridiculous. Any rational person that has any kind of hindsight should be able to weigh the positives of immunizations (my grandfather contrated polio during WW2. Remember polio? Neither do I) against the tragic adverse consequences and see how completely necessary they are.
It's CERTAINLY not the untappable device it once was. But it all all depends on your use cases, though: if all you do is to chit chat with your gfs and shooting the shit with your buddies, you are certainly not at risk of anything. Not significantly more than using most other services on the net. I used to discuss business strategies and other sensitive matters on skype and following the acquisition of M$ I can't consider it a safe means any longer, as easy as that. As I wrote already you can use OTR with specific multi-chat programs like pidgin by using skype as a backend (with the appropriate dynamic loadable plugin) but it defeats the simplicity purpose for my clients so it might very well be yanked as far as I'm concerned.
Planned Parenthood != eugenics

Increasing the quality of health care institutions worldwide != murdering billions of people

A TINY PORTION OF THE POPULATION suffering adverse side effects to NEEDED immunizations != funding poison fetished "killers"

You can cut through your hyperbole with a knife.

Nice to know that your awake 'myownhero'

Listen to the man. He knows exactly what he's talking about.

EDIT: Nevermind I disagree with myownhero, sorry. Immunizations are cancer.
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Planned Parenthood != eugenics

Increasing the quality of health care institutions worldwide != murdering billions of people

A TINY PORTION OF THE POPULATION suffering adverse side effects to NEEDED immunizations != funding poison fetished "killers"

You can cut through your hyperbole with a knife. I know this discussion was intended to be framed around Skype, but the fact immunizations are put on blast is absolutely ridiculous. Any rational person that has any kind of hindsight should be able to weigh the positives of immunizations (my grandfather contrated polio during WW2. Remember polio? Neither do I) against the tragic adverse consequences and see how completely necessary they are.

Cover story != REAL AGENDA

The dynamic of how secretive plans proceed, is to put up noble window dressing. Then when anybody points out the real agenda, they get accused of 'hyperbole' or alarmism. Just because polio vaccines and such USED to be used solely to cure the public of a health menace, doesn't mean the CURRENT crop of toxin and heavy metals laden shots accomplish that purpose. The stats on the swine flu hype of a few years ago show that MORE people experienced illness or died from taking the vaccine, than those coming down with actual swine flu!

It is simply a fact that the founder of Planned Parenthood discussed eugenics as the basis for the organization in her writings in the 1930s. It's a fact that overall forced population reduction is a stated goal of many world figures, using the window dressing of 'health services' to advance the goal. Remember the silent agenda of the alien L'shenn race in that old Stargate episode---cooperate with the earthlings, openly improve the lifespan of the entire human race, while quietly sterilizing all the earth women, so that the entire race dies out over a century. Beware the carrot, folks.
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