Skype Group: Black hat programmers

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New to BHW, but I have been web programming for several years. Mostly C#, Python & PHP. I run several sites in AWS & Azure. Spend lots of time in db design, dev, both Relational & N-R.
My skypeid: vayacondioswally
I would like to join.
Hey, been programming with PHP for 6 years.. been wanting to join a group like this.. If there are any spots left then let me know..

skype: ibrazilian2
can i join it?although my php is not good but i can study hard 。 if you sleep , i am lerning!!!!!!
New to BHW, but I have been web programming for several years. Mostly C#, Python & PHP. I run several sites in AWS & Azure. Spend lots of time in db design, dev, both Relational & N-R.
My skypeid: vayacondioswally
I would like to join.

Welcome in. I guess I already added you.
Please Help me Some one My Gf Skype Id hacked and i want Back Please Anyone Help Me .....
I would like to join the group. I have one year experience with C#.
Skype : connect312
Hey, I don't use the forums much, but I have quite a bit of C Sharp coding experience... I have built quite a few scrapers and programs to automate other web tasks.

Skype: Danr2015
My ID is my username here with a . between the two words. Apparently the word in my username starting with A triggers the moderation system -_-;.
Hmm sounds cool. Welcome me in :D :)

my id is : noc2spam
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