Single post with many keywords or 1 keyword per article?


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2016
Reaction score
What is better to rank higher on Google, single article with many keywords in it or one keyword per article?

Let's say I found 10 keywords with each one 50k monthly searches and difficult score 25-30. The main keyword has 800k searches and difficult score is 35.

Is it better to write one article with all these keywords or just 1 article per keyword?

I personally think 1 keyword per article will rank higher for example it will be on top 3 but if I will write one big article with all of the keywords every keyword will rank on top 7-8.

Also if I will go for one article per keyword I need let's say 10-20 backlinks to rank well but for the all keywords in one article I need 200+ backlinks.

I'm confused. What do you think?
Pick your main keyword and put it in your title and a couple of times in your article content and then the related keywords that belong to the same “keyword family”. Sprinkle them out in your article but keep it relevant to your main keyword.

So for example:

If your main keyword is “how to lose weight in 3 weeks”

Then “how can I lose weight in three weeks” would belong to the same keyword family.

You can also take words from other keyword variations and just put them into your article because google can put the pieces together.

So if there is a keyword like “best way to lose weight in 3 weeks” you can take “best way” and put that into your content and you can start ranking for “best way to lose weight in 3 weeks” without having the exact keyword in your article.

So it is better to write many articles with lots of content, and make each article relevant to your main keywords and variations of that keyword.

Relevancy is important and don't over optimize for your keywords.
Google prefer different type of link to show in top 10 . so multiple keyword in one article is harder to achieve.