T tuesdays Newbie Joined Mar 31, 2011 Messages 9 Reaction score 0 Dec 1, 2011 #1 Hi, Is there any tool to simulate automatic queries (particular keywords) on Google search to improve google suggest on a particular kw ? Tks
Hi, Is there any tool to simulate automatic queries (particular keywords) on Google search to improve google suggest on a particular kw ? Tks
cody41 Power Member Joined Jun 18, 2009 Messages 691 Reaction score 276 Dec 1, 2011 #2 I believe IgniteSeo tool can do that.
P panicore Registered Member Joined Aug 17, 2009 Messages 87 Reaction score 16 Dec 1, 2011 #4 lokololwithbutterandhasabananahat.com 800000 exact match, i swear!
GimmeMoney Regular Member Joined Apr 19, 2009 Messages 401 Reaction score 516 Dec 1, 2011 #5 I don't know of any tool per say but this can easily be accomplished with libcurl.
T tuesdays Newbie Joined Mar 31, 2011 Messages 9 Reaction score 0 Dec 2, 2011 #6 ok tks but any script to buy from ?
N nikolaalx Regular Member Joined Mar 22, 2011 Messages 231 Reaction score 68 Dec 2, 2011 #7 lol..I have never thought of that. Manipulating the auto suggestion tool and luring people to search for your term more over the others. Congrats bro..this idea is perhaps the blackest black hat thing I've seen over the last few weeks Keep us updated if you succeed this might be interesting.
lol..I have never thought of that. Manipulating the auto suggestion tool and luring people to search for your term more over the others. Congrats bro..this idea is perhaps the blackest black hat thing I've seen over the last few weeks Keep us updated if you succeed this might be interesting.