Signature links

signature link is the important thing of forum posting. It will enhance the backlink of a site and sit improving.
signature link is the important thing of forum posting. It will enhance the backlink of a site and sit improving.

Actually Donating is worth it for such Nice Forum, This will help maintain the forum
it depends on what the service is and the price. I get up to 30 clicks/day from 1 signature link...if your price is not right though you will not get too many conversions. If your price is good and there is a demand u will make your money back in a few days.
This is an awesome question really :-)
I agree with BlackHat3. If you feel you've gotten value from this forum that exceeds that price, donate, as I'll be doing at my 100 post mark. Supply the banner if you have something worthy of being advertised. It's your call, really.
I agree with BlackHat3. If you feel you've gotten value from this forum that exceeds that price, donate, as I'll be doing at my 100 post mark. Supply the banner if you have something worthy of being advertised. It's your call, really.

I agree, ill be donating shortly. This is a good forum with tons of good info. It the least we can do :)
honestly if I could pull in some real cash doing IM i wouild love to donate....right now its kind of just a hobby but the 3-4 hundred dollars a month is really helping me out since i just had a newborn and since i have been living paycheck to paycheck it helps alot but not enough where i can just throw a hundred to bhw. so i am just seeing if it can be worth it to me to not just support this forum but support myself aswell