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Should I take down my Movie Site


Registered Member
Nov 12, 2009
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I'm hearing all these stories of Movie Sites being taken down by the FBI even tho there not hosting the movies themselves ..... you opinion ?
Well I always wondered why mega video never got taken down? Certainly it's the biggest of them all, eh. Yet it wasn't touched. Kind of strange. But I don't think, if you're not hosting the videos but just linking to them, that you'll get in trouble. You'll probably just be asked to take down your site. So let them tell you when to do it. Theres so many sites that link to videos and movies and tv shows, etc that I doubt youll even get noticed.

But if it lets you sleep better at night do it, if you're not worried about being contacted by some agency and being told to take it down or else... well keep making profits from it.
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Well I always wondered why mega video never got taken down? Certainly it's the biggest of them all, eh. Yet it wasn't touched. Kind of strange. But I don't think, if you're not hosting the videos but just linking to them, that you'll get in trouble. You'll probably just be asked to take down your site. So let them tell you when to do it. Theres so many sites that link to videos and movies and tv shows, etc that I doubt youll even get noticed.

But if it lets you sleep better at night do it, if you're not worried about being contacted by some agency and told to take it down or else... well keep making profits from it.

MegaVideo is not hosted in the USA, that's probably why they are not taken down.
I think they're not taken down because they comply to DMCa notices. If you don't want to get into trouble host your site in an offshore server preferably Iran, use anonymous whois and log into your site using a proxy preferably tunnelblick or so... don't mention yourself anywhere and you shouldn't have any problems.
first they send a letter. if you drop the links, then there's no problem.

note: several years ago nbc was going after people who posted video clips from
snl. they sent letters first, they didn't fire up the lawsuits. so you needn't worry
Just make sure you have the correct contact settings for your domain. When Google took a domain from me they claimed to have sent several warnings, but for some reason they were sent to my host who did not forward them. A contact form on your site is not always enough.