Should I make an Best Selling Product ASIN Scraper?


Power Member
Mar 4, 2009
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I've been reading a lot about all the new Amazon API restrictions, that make finding products for Amazon MUCH harder.

The plus side is : Most of these Amazon Wordpress Plugins all have a "Add ASIN's Here" option, where the user can manually add products as opposed to using the API to "Search" for products.

Here's what I'm thinking about possibly releasing :

I've made an Amazon Product ASIN Scraper before, and I'm thinking about re-writing it to be user friendly.

Basically you'd open the PHP script on any web server (or VPS), and it would present you with a few options.
1. Please list the BrowseNodes (Amazon Categories) you'd like to extract.
2. Please list the number of Pages (Each Page holds 9 Products) you'd like to extract.

What do you guys think? Would this be a usefull program or service?
How much would you pay for a script or for a list? How usefull is this to you? Is there any products out there that do this already, that I just haven't heard about?

Thanks :)

(Oh, and if you haven't checked out my Bulk Proxy Extractor and my Bulk Proxy Checker, please test them and let me know any bugs / issues , it's FREE! ->
Maybe you can write a PHP version, I can write a standalone version, and we can start a unique service that offers a web version and standalone version of all our products. ;)

But I'd definitely use this, for sure. Not sure if I'd pay for it, however, but I'm sure several people would.
Haha, awesome :) I'd be down for that. I'm always looking for people to brainstorm with etc, hit me up on AIM / Skype / GTalk sometime and we'll talk !

What if It was a service.... say, you tell me what categories you want, and how many products you want, and you pay a flat rate of $ / 1k ASIN's? It'd almost be micro-payment, $3-5 at a time type deal, super cheap, and always the most UPDATED info (IE, THAT DAY).
Sounds great, I've added you on Skype. :)

That sounds good, if you can find some customers. Not sure where you would find someone to buy those lists though. :/
yes if you could make one that scrapes amazon uk then exports or saves all the data to a csv that is ready to upload in bulk to amazon
Any update on this? Did you ever create it? Thanks

Noone seemed interested, so I just nixed the idea :(
I had a guy that offered to pay me $50 to make this script, and give it to him with resale rights lol.
Lol! I'm totally interested. What I'm doing now is just using importxml with gdocs. What language were you planning on writing it in? I'm going to have to code one of these anyway (with limited programming knowledge.) Would definitely pay $50 for resale rights though rofl!

Noone seemed interested, so I just nixed the idea :(
I had a guy that offered to pay me $50 to make this script, and give it to him with resale rights lol.
I've been reading a lot about all the new Amazon API restrictions, that make finding products for Amazon MUCH harder.

You can say that again, i am currently looking to do exactly that and will pay for this if someone could knock it up.

I am currently looking to scrape all amazon and the uk, specifically i need the following information.

All USA asins in order of popularity for xbox 360 games, ps3, wii, ds, ps vita, 3ds, pc, mac, i basically need the asin number in order, the asins can be pulled from the urls. So most popular game, 2nd, 3rd, so the asins are in order of popularity.

I also need to extract, action games, adventure, racing, role playing, strategy in order of popularity also, for the above console categories.

So you would end up with a list like this, a list for each.

amazon uk mac action games example of a few.


If anyone could knock this up for a reasonable price, will pay for this to be done.

"Amazediscoverpost" seems do the same thing, and it's really powerful at searching .
I am looking for a tool to extract product data from and save the info in a database:


ASIN (preferably converted into EAN),

but as much data as possible.

Would certainly be willing to pay.

I've tried that and never get anything but error stating over max config.