Should I get Scrapebox?


Junior Member
Jan 11, 2009
Reaction score
I know it isn't THAT expensive but I am almost out of money soon and I am trying to squeeze it out for as long as I can.

So is it better than senuke for example?
Could it get me deindexed or sandboxed from google?
Could anything bad happen to my sites if I use it?
Will it help me significantly in ranking?

It looks good and I know lots of people like it but is it good for a noob?
1. You will surely use it to do backlinks, I mean ton of them. So yeah it's way better than SeNuke.
2. Doing a lot of backlinks can get your site sandboxed.
3. It will be sandboxed for 8-10 months, but when you are out the box, if you never stopped doing backlinks, you will be very high in rank. Think about long term.
4. As I said, you will rank very high on long time. Short time you will possibly increase very fast, and then get sandboxed.
Got it yesterday and i can say that its great value for money.
Actually i am surprised that the price is that low.
Go on youtube and search for the videos and get an idea of what it is actually about.
You can see a 30min (or so) introduction to scrapebox and much more.

Great tool imo:)
Got it yesterday and i can say that its great value for money.
Actually i am surprised that the price is that low.
Go on youtube and search for the videos and get an idea of what it is actually about.
You can see a 30min (or so) introduction to scrapebox and much more.

Great tool imo:)

Have you already tried to do seriously backlinking using SB? I am like you when I just got SB. I am not saying that SB is not a good tool, it's definitely a powerful backlinking tool if you know how to use it properly. I am having a hard time with it now.
Have you already tried to do seriously backlinking using SB? I am like you when I just got SB. I am not saying that SB is not a good tool, it's definitely a powerful backlinking tool if you know how to use it properly. I am having a hard time with it now.

Id advise you to concentrate all your efforts on learning the full power of the comment box

spinning and word replacement.

theres replacements i havent seen in the help file

i.e #website# etc..
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all im have to have this tool in there bag
i have bought scrapebox and i dont regret beacuse its so good and does everuthing it says and more. i think you should buy it.
By far the best tool for IM in a cost per value sense.

You can use it for so much it's terryfying.
Here's a new thing I started a few weeks ago.

I am creating sign ups for footprints scrapebox finds using Magic submitter.
I first find a profile/footprint - forum, blog whatever. Scrapebox sniffs a few thousand of them. I spend an hour programming magic submitter to do one for me - it copies the procedure to the rest. Prepare content. Press go. Done

I have a few thousand more sites to submit to automatically. Sign up, confirmation, submit etc. Would be a pain in the ass without scrapebox.

The commenting tool is awesome, but just finding open blogs and forums for you that you can limpet to for PR8 and PR9 links is great.

Then there's pinging, page view increases, competitor link finding.
How about mass commenting to your own blogs?

Whatever other tool I get, I always realize pretty quick that scrapebox complements it in some way.

Not only that, it's pretty darn solid. Only ever had one crash (and that was during an overnight 500 slow post session - it did almost 300)
Add captcha solving service to it, and for the money it beats all.

Some stuff is a little more sophisticated - but costs a lot more.
For the low one off price, no other link tool comes close for value. (not close...)
FOr me MNF is the equivalent value for keywords - but that's just me.

I bought scrape box not long ago and I never regret of buying it as well. $57 is really cheap compare to other SEO software. Most people think scrape box as blog sp*mming but it has many other hidden functions that not many people know how to use. I am learning those functions as well.
I bought scrape box not long ago and I never regret of buying it as well. $57 is really cheap compare to other SEO software. Most people think scrape box as blog sp*mming but it has many other hidden functions that not many people know how to use. I am learning those functions as well.

where did you get it for $57?

I think the price is $97

Does anyone knows any discount coupon I can use?


You can get it here for $57:


Here's the $57 link:

Scrapebox is great!It's not only the blog commenting ,trackbacks...Scrapebox has many great tools which will surely be of use.
All I can say, it's really worth buying.. there are a lot of add on modules inside scrapebox