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Shinjiru or Njal?

Pedro Rosario

Apr 24, 2018
Reaction score
Hi everyone

I would like to register a domain for an adult website. The videos I will publish will be embedded from the best known pages, as well as servers such as Open Load. I have thought about publishing amateur videos but also from producers (DMCA).
TWO REGISTERS have been recommended. One of them is njal.la I contacted their technical support and the truth ... they left me a little disappointed. However, in another forum (in Spanish) they assure me it is the best option.
On the other hand, I have also contacted Shinjiru staff. They assure me that registering a domain with an .CO extension will not have any problem because these domains are not under ICANN. This is true? Are there domains that are not under ICANN? Also, something that makes me curious about this company is its two options to register a domain: Normal Domain and Strongbolt Domain. The first is more economical. The second offers more protection alternatives ... but, I don't know, I think it can be like a marketing strategy. Has anyone hired Strongbolt Domain? Are they really better domains than normal?
Please, I await answers.

Thank you.
Just buy a domain from namesilo and use a adult shared hosting service.Create a page for dmca.Then start your tube site.I can promise you until you get around 5k daily traffic,you will not get any dmca complain.If you get dmca issue for any video,kindly go to that post and change the embed code and image of it or redirect it.That is it.Most of hosting service let u know after they got complains about us.So we can work to solve it with them.

I just wanna let u know that we can also work with usa based companies too.
Only issue with strongbolt domain is that you have to use your own nameservers.
Njal.la of course, it beats Shinriju like a shame! Gives 10/0 at Shinriju!