I would suggest that you hire a virtual assistant to come up with a master list of crypto Facebook groups.
These are groups that people use to share blog posts.
You can also instruct your assistant to filter the crypto Facebook groups to get rid of spam groups.
You don't want to share your content on those because nobody's going to read your content because everybody is just shilling the shit out of those groups.
Instead, you should focus on groups where actual conversations take place.
Once you have this list, the next step is to get in there and and build credibility.
Answer people's questions, share your expertise without mentioning your site or dropping a link to your groups.
The key is to get exposure.
Once people know that you're legit, you can then share content from high profile blogs in your niche and then from time to time, sneak in some of your own posts.
This way, you keep the overall high level quality of your posts, and this all works to build your credibility.
Remember, when you are promoting on forums or Facebook groups, you're not promoting your service, you're not promoting your blog, you are promoting yourself and your expertise.
The general rule here is simple: people are not going to care about what you know until they first know that you care.
Contribute value.
Try to solve their problems.
That's how you build credibility and later on, everything else will flow from it.