Sharecash Support/Bug


Regular Member
Dec 30, 2009
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I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I want to make sure people don't get cheated like I did. Anyways for quite a few months I have been using sharecash as a way to earn a quick buck. It has worked out quite nicely until this month.

Sometime between November 16th, and now my account was reset (at least I assume thats what happened). When I logged in yesterday I had gone from 40 or so bucks left to payout, and a couple hundred in total profits, to zero in both fields. Along with this a few other things such as uploads, downloads, etc. had been reset. Figuring this was a bug I emailed support for help. Support promptly replied, saying they needed my username to fix the problem. I had supplied my username in the previous e-mail, but I figured they overlooked it and gave them my username again. A few minutes later received an e-mail saying "You have been banned for inactivity and zero earnings. Thanks.". Promptly I sent them an e-mail stating that the zero earnings being displayed was the problem I was reporting, and that I had logged in just yesterday. So far I have received no e-mail back.

Up until now I have had no issues with sharecash, and was even planning to up my usage of sharecash over the next few weeks. Now I am guessing this won't happen. Anyways I just wanted to warn everyone about how sharecash support works. Even after all this I wouldn't say their service is terrible, I just wouldn't trust them to hold too much of my money.

Thanks for hearing me out. If any of you have any idea how I could go about getting my account back, or have any questions please post.
I've got the same message after changing my password! big LOL I've forgot my password them I reset my password, logged into and everything was fine, but when I got log out and tried to log in again it gives this message of account inactivity/no coneversion/ no download and hoping that it was a silly bug I've request to reset again my password and it gives me the following "your account was banned due cheating" now I want to know what kind of cheating lol since I've never tried to monetize ShareCash at all LOL
Just in case anyone comes across this thread in the future I am going to add Sharecash's final solution to the problem. They asked for proof that payments had been made to me in the past. I provided a screenshot of the paypal transaction. They sent an e-mail stating that the proof was invalid, they said I was still banned and that they have marked my e-mails as spam. After all this I feel Sharecash is either running low on funds or a flat out scam.
they're not a scam for sure, you can try to contact stealthisblog here, he's the owner of SC, he hasn't visited bhw lately tho:
they're not a scam for sure, you can try to contact stealthisblog here, he's the owner of SC, he hasn't visited bhw lately tho:

Thanks, hopefully this is just a bad member of the support staff or something. I actually did like using sharecash, since it made everything fairly easy on my end. If the situation changes I will update this thread.
You can try in my signature as an alternative.
I am sorry for you bro.. but at the same time I hope this is a rare isolated case since I am really getting into using sharecash and have big plans for making money through their program (legitly of course).

I have never used their support service so I am wondering?.. do they have a live chat service?.. maybe they can help you out there?. :D
I figured I would try logging in one last time, and everything is back to normal. I am no longer banned, and all my information is correct. No e-mail or anything from support, so I don't know what happened but the problem has been fixed.
For those of you following this my account has again been locked. This time due to incorrect profile information. I have contacted the e-mail I was given. I am getting a bit suspicious since every time I get locked it is after I request a payout(they still haven't paid me).
Interesting, they havn't paid a friend of mine yet. He got his payment approved on 1st of this month but didn't got it yet. I am losing my trust on sc.