SEO Software, we need more beta testers


Regular Member
Feb 8, 2008
Reaction score
Some of the modules of our software are already done, we need more beta testers.

I need at least 3 of each of this, 32 bit and 64 bit xp machine, vista machine, and win7 machine.

heres a trial I did earlier today for the account creator.

please send an email to the email on my signature, and put youre machine type on the message. I need betatesters who will be active, as we are updating every 1-2 days as of now. Many modules are yet to be added, so you can use the software for free also for some time.
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please send an email to the email on my signature, and put youre machine type on the message. I need betatesters who will be active, as we are updating every 1-2 days as of now. Many modules are yet to be added, so you can use the software for free also for some time.
I've got Windows 7 64 Bit. I can beta test for you. I also have a Windows 7 32 Bit, and a Windows XP 32 Bit machine in my house.
We still need more testers, just send an email so we can organize it better. Thanks a lot.
Replied to all emails already, if you havent got a reply, just send an email to me again.
i can beta test if you ever make a mac version :-)
Sent you an email. I would like to test it for you. I have a couple machines and lots of work for it. Information is sent in the email.
i would love to beta test it
got windows 7 64bit, win xp 32bit and 64bit

but i'm leaving for Hong Kong in 2 days for 2 weeks, sucks, cause i do love to beta test