SEO Revenge

Jun 9, 2012
Reaction score
Hello there,

I did some SEO for this client and he is now enjoying No1 spot on the Big G
He was supposed to pay in March but kept on coming up with excuses.

He has ignored all my reminders..

He has control over his domain not me, I just ran campaigns to get him where is is.. I feel pretty pished because I did all hand submissions so 7-8 hours work went in to it.

I have been toying with the idea of promoting his compettition to get him down the table but that will be time comsuming...

What do you guys think I should do?

Negative seo would be my choice. About 1000 Google +1 should see his site disappear. Or maybe you should remind him that it is far easier to make a website drop in rankings than go up.
It would take ages because I hand submitted to social bookmarking, I created 2.0s then submitted blog comments to that, I submitted to directorys I did it all really honestly no tools all by hand

I feel really angry but dont want to get myself into trouble!!
Run a negative SEO campaign against him, he will run back to you begging you to stop.
That sucks..
I did once have a client like that before..
There is nothing much you can do about it.. It doesn't worth wasting your precious time on a stupid client..
See the money you lost as investment in your education..

From now on, never take a project without written contract, build links doing 301 and etc.

If you really want to take revenge from it, turn into his competitor and steal his business !!
Otherwise negative SEO doesn't worth wasting precious time..

Time is MONEY ! Be smart, play safe !
Hi there,

Before you make his website down, give him/her a warning once again that you will make his website down to the bottom of G SERP. And if he/she don't listen to you, then do this big action.

Build a backlinks from a pornographic websites or directories. This will surely make his website down from Daddy G.
If it was easy to get his site ranking number 1 for that keyword for just 7-8 hours work...

...What on Earth is stopping you from dedicating a week, max, making your own niche site and ranking above him?
Inform him that you will remove all the backlinks that you made which are currently making him rank number 1. Tell him that once the links have been removed he will drop back down to his original position.

If he wants the backlinks to stay, then inform him that he has 48 hours to send the set payment amount else you will begin taking down the links.
7 hours? That isn't the end of the world though. Not like people who worked months here. Stay calm man.
Any one test out the 1000 G +1 theory? I did a blast of 10k Xrumer profiles with the same keyword anchor and my deadbeat client went up. I also tried 10k AA scrapebox blast with 'adult' anchor's and even after some of those are indexed they only dropped a few spots.