SEO permalink advice may be WRONG

Why Are Those Permalinks Structures Bad?
... Speed and Reliability.

I don't agree with the post, WP won't run into problems when trying to match items, if it does it's just a bug to be fixed, and speed? visitors won't feel any difference. In fact the comments on that post are more interesting that the post itself :P

I just think this way, Google has the operatos "allinurl" and "inurl", and those use the url including all the full url, not only domain, so, if this is important for Google, it's important for us to use our keywords in the url names.
yeah thats silly...having your keywords in URL helps a shitton.
there is no doubt that kwds in a URL string is good for SEO.

the article only warns of potential weakness in the way the WP database may perform when using category/postname method.

i use the SEO permalink struture on some sites and their yr/mo/postname method on others. but then none if my autoblogs are that huge or high trafficked yet. nor do they have resource overhead issues.

i was definitely not trying to convince anyone of anything i just wanted to share a rather unusual view point from what looked like a credible source.

as i said judge for yrself. do what you want. no sweat.