SEO friendly, WordPress or Squarespace

Well they both get the job done but like Sam.hunt says; wordpress is much easier :)
wordpress is more flexible and easy to use. However it's maintenance cost and running cost becomes high in long run. So, it's your choice!
Any day I would go for WordPress.
It is much easier to manage and requires less knowledge.
Wordpress is far better . Because it is the most popular blogging platform ever and developers made many plugins and tools for wordpress for better blogging experience.
with the many many plug-ins that are available. I would say wordpress by far!
Interesting topic. I've been a WordPress user all my life, but I'm considering Squarespace for a new website I'm planning.

I might give it a chance.
Hello mate! :chairshot
I think Wordpress is more reliable and easier to handle.
It works more efficiently and quickly.