Senukex Tutorial

It's my pleasure to contribute to this great forum!
Thanks for the tutorial. Do you think Senukex is easier to learn than scrapebox?
Thanks for the tutorial. Do you think Senukex is easier to learn than scrapebox?

It depends on you. Many people said they took 2 weeks to 2 months to learn using scrapebox. But I took 5 days only :)
Senuke basics are pretty simple, it's doing all the details right that is tough to get down pat.
It has been there for months now... but I should make it public I guess... lovely typo at the very bottom of the page in the footer... "by Jeremy gAshburn" :D :D :D


Or you could just login to get the videos...

Software is pretty basic and easy to use though...1 hour of solid sifting and you will be good to go.
Thanks i will use this do you think this is any better then scrapebox?

Senukex is popular for its web 2.0 submission and Scrapebox is popular for its blog commenting, web harvesting, and keyword scraper.

I prefer Scrapebox because of its price and I think in the long run Scrapebox would save much time because it takes forever to build blog comments by yourself if you don't use any software.
Senuke is a great tool to use- though it has a monthly cost unless you bought it in full. In my experience many people dont know how to use it to its fullest though with some time spent on using the videos they provide you can make sure you use it fully. I can help explain to anyone who may need help understanding.