If I am able to find the personal FB profiles of business owner leads. My challenge is finding a way to send them an intro Messenger text which gets delivered in their Inbox. Non-Friend messages end up in the more hidden Message Requests folder which most people do not check.
Will a message notification from a Non-Friend show up differently on their cell phone versus laptop? Are there any work arounds whereby these leads will at least know that they have a new Message to check? The route of friending them first will clearly yield much less results.
If I am able to find the personal FB profiles of business owner leads. My challenge is finding a way to send them an intro Messenger text which gets delivered in their Inbox. Non-Friend messages end up in the more hidden Message Requests folder which most people do not check.
Will a message notification from a Non-Friend show up differently on their cell phone versus laptop? Are there any work arounds whereby these leads will at least know that they have a new Message to check? The route of friending them first will clearly yield much less results.