ScrapeBox not posting enough


Feb 3, 2015
Reaction score
I use SB 1.16.04 to post comments on about 4500 blogs, but I get only 45-60 posting results. I also downloaded SB 2 and tried to do the same, but the new version is too slow even for harvesting!
So, the question is how can I get more result in the posting and why SB2 it so slow for me? *

*I use 10 privet proxies
Just because a proxy is private does not mean that the proxy is not in a spam database. In addition to spam databases like Stop Forum Spam, there are other reasons why your posts are not being made. You may be posting too fast, many spam checkers test speed. You may be using an email address that is black listed. You may be making auto posts that are obviously machine generated. You may be posting to moderated forums. The list of things you may be doing wrong is faily long, but those are the most common reasons.
So, what you saing my proxies even passed by google can be black list? So, in this case how can I test them?
About emails! I am using 20 emails generated by scrapebox, and you thinking they are black list as well?
And what do you mean by:
You may posting too fast? How do I control SB to be not too fast?
You may be posting to modreated froums? Do you think all those 4500 bloarecould be modeated ?
Thank you for help
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Any respoand or help from scrapebox exports and user ?
i'm neither an expert nor an user of SB, but in addition to the above, it can be that your tool isn't configured properly with your connection, i believe loopline posted a thread with optimization tips and whatnot, however i can't seem to find it now, maybe it was somebody else
I use SB 1.16.04 to post comments on about 4500 blogs, but I get only 45-60 posting results. I also downloaded SB 2 and tried to do the same, but the new version is too slow even for harvesting!
So, the question is how can I get more result in the posting and why SB2 it so slow for me? *

*I use 10 privet proxies

ScrapeBox V2 beta ver is faster than ScrapeBox V1 :) maybe its possible
your private proxies are already banned ? or you're using them on low DSL Speed ?

Our subs are mostly using ScrapeBox V2 ver with no problem See the Screenshot below of Scraping result on public port scanned proxies


its must be some thing wrong from your end and you are using Private proxies
its must be Scraping speed on Private proxies 2k+.check your private proxies
or replace them and tell him your proxy seller i need for Scraping & Posting
maybe he will give you better proxies for Scraping - Posting

you looks worry.dun worry some time its happen :) or direct pm to loopline
he will help you to nice way
So, what you saing my proxies even passed by google can be black list? So, in this case how can I test them?
About emails! I am using 20 emails generated by scrapebox, and you thinking they are black list as well?
And what do you mean by:
You may posting too fast? How do I control SB to be not too fast?
You may be posting to modreated froums? Do you think all those 4500 bloarecould be modeated ?
Thank you for help

While speaking of a Wordpress installation the plugin I will be using as an example can be used on any PHP based site with little work.

Let us say that there are two sites that use the Stop Spammers plugin ( ). This plugin registers with Stop Forum Spam, Akismet, and Project Honeypot among other spam tracking sites. In addition to registering with spam trackers, the plugin sets up red herring links that if you attempt to post to those links the IP address and email used will automatically be registered with the spam trackers I mentioned. In addition to those two functions, the plugin tracks the amount of time that has passed between first contact of the website by an IP and a post from that IP. If the time is under some predetermined time, the IP address is registered with various spam trackers as a spam address and email. On top of these three functions, there is an administrator defined data base of forbidden words. If any of those words are in a post, the post is placed into a spam data base though not automatically reported. With this part, it is one click by the forum administrator to report the IP and email to several spam trackers.

Let us say that site A and site B use the plugin. You spammed site A with an IP of your private proxy and triggered the reporting of the plugin. Within minutes your private proxy IP will propagate to any site using the plugin. So a little later on you spam site B. While the IP and email you used has never before contacted site B, because site B uses the Stop Spammers plugin that IP and email is is prohibited from the site as a spam address. In addition the IP is incremented on the spam trackers as being used for spam.

Many autoposters make a mistake of immediately posting, rather than waiting 5 - 10 seconds, when posting spam. The IP and email is immediately reported and disallowed because a human cannot type that fast.

Many autoposters are incapable of distinguishing between a red herring link and the page link they want to post to. They are automatically reported and banned.

Most autoposters do not use, or are improperly written for the use of cookies. While not with the plugin I am using as an example, other plugins will ban an IP if cookies are not allowed.

Now we move on to obvious spam posting. {I|We|They} {enjoy|like|are amused}{when|whenever|anytime}{a spammer|some spammer}{accesses|posts|autoposts} to {a|some|our}{site|website|webpage} {because| so that} we {can|are able to} {scan|crawl|steal} {his|their} {links|posts|autopost links}. This post on a page the is speaking of sports or some other page that clearly has nothing at all to do with the page content is a clear marker of spam and any halfway sane administrator would remove it and might report the IP/email as a spammer.

Putting all this together, even though a proxy is passed by Google and is good to scrape some search engine, it does not mean that the IP has not been reported to any number of spam trackers and honeypots. Private proxies only reduce the chance of an IP being banned, they do not stop an IP and email from being banned.

Then you may simply be attempting to post to sites that do not allow posting.

As written, the list is long.
Id venture to guess its your proxies, try different ones if you can. Also try basic keywords to make sure the proxies aren't just blocked for the queries your Scraping.

I already responded to this exact question in one of your threads on the scrapebox forum, so I won't launch into detail here, but its something in your setup, 2.x is EXPONENTIALLY faster at both Scraping and Posting.
I use SB 1.16.04 to post comments on about 4500 blogs, but I get only 45-60 posting results. I also downloaded SB 2 and tried to do the same, but the new version is too slow even for harvesting!
So, the question is how can I get more result in the posting and why SB2 it so slow for me? *

*I use 10 privet proxies

Which new version are you using, 32 or 64 bit? I have been playing around with the new 64 bit and it is LIGHTNING fast bro.
I tried harvesting with no proxies still the same very slow and lots of error!
As I mentioned before I downloaded SB 2. from and got only exe file which I copied in older SB files and replace exe.
Just wondering maybe I have a corrupted file
Sorry if I missed you posting this, but what are the settings you have right now for submissions? Did you leave them at default?
Yes, all of them in default
I agree with everyone that it's your proxies. You can keep your proxies around longer and get more out of them though with playing around with your settings.

Best bet is either posting your current computer/internet set up and we can give you some good settings or you can Google around for someone with your set up.

Usually with marketing tools you're never going to leave it to default to get the most out of them.
As I posted in the other thread, try redownloading and placing it in a separate folder. It generates all the files and folders it needs (or downloads them from the servers) automatically. So place it in a folder on your desktop or in your documents folder.

Try the detailed harvester, what errors are you getting?
I did downloaded and put it separate file and tried with or without privet proxies still the same! slow with lots of error.
Also I used about 15 public proxies but nothing happen?

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With it working excellent on 10,000+ machines it has to be something local to you. I would put my money on proxies or security software/3rd party software interfering with every request.

Id say your public proxies you tried were bad.

Did you try the cloud proxies in SB 2 as a test?
Yes, I did still the same
Is it posible to use teamviewer to get tresult on this maystary?
Yes, I did still the same
Is it posible to use teamviewer to get tresult on this maystary?

If you want to message me your team view info and leave it running I can login when I get time and take a look, but I don't like to commit to certain time frames as my schedule is a train wreck at best and I never really know when I will be working. Which is why laptops and tablets are awesome, but none the less, Im sure we can sort it. Just PM me or mail me and we can work something out.

service (at] mattborden{dot) com