Scrapebox is slow


Registered Member
Jan 7, 2010
Reaction score
I've been scraping URLs to post to for a little while and just trying to get a feel for how to work with it.

Yesterday I tried actually posting for the first time and it is slower than a turtle(I cursed originally haha). My current estimate is that it will take over a month for my list of 35k URLS to post to. I am posting to blogengine blogs so it is using the slow commenter. I am using public proxies, but I tested them several times to get out the ~50 fastest ones.

I am planning on building a list of some 500k URLs for my current campaign and at this rate, assuming the program doesn't crash, it would take over a year before it finished. This is ridiculously unacceptable.

I also have a pretty good connection(for my area), according to a speed test my download speed is 1.3 MPS(actual speed when I'm downloading hovers in the 140 kb/s range).

Will switching to private proxies really speed this up? Do I absolutely need to get a faster connection to use scrapebox?

Thanks guys.

Best way is ofcourse to have exclusive private proxies, having shared ones that houndreds of other scrapebox users is using is not the perfect formula. ;-)

You can also change your timeout settings in the option menu in Scrapebox, which will increase how fast your comments gonna be sent out.

So instead of timeoutsettings of 60 seconds, i use to have 25-30..

But yes, the slow commenter takes time.
...just to clarify. Wordpress is nofollow out of the box, right? **************** is the only reason I am using blogengine.

I turned off load images immediately. I guess I will look into getting private proxies.

Also, I already get enough error timeouts when the timeout setting is at 40 seconds. Am I right when I believe that lowering the timeout setting will kill my success rate even further(atleast until I get private proxies)?
Yeah, thats right. Lowering your timeout setting will hurt your success rate but there is no reason for your instance to be running so slow. Also, it may not "kill" your success rate. Generally my successful posts are submitted within a few seconds. Very few go right up to my timeout settings.

You could also play around with the blog size settings. Good luck.
scraped more than a quarter million urls yesterday in around 3 hrs using public proxies and sb crashed! I didnt even enable the crash dump logger so all the scraping and the time spent was useless!
Right now it takes about 30 seconds for the average successful one to go through.

I just ordered 12 private proxies so hopefully this speeds it up dramatically.

Is there a "fast commenter"? I've been using the "slow commenter" (by default I guess) for my 4000 URL's and 24 hours in, I've done about 2.5k of them. Is there a fast commenter that I'm missing?
The fast commenter only works with wordpress and moveable type.

My internet is admittedly pretty damn slow but I am in no position to get faster internet anytime soon. I live in a pretty bad area for internet(I wouldn't be surprised if you could easily get faster internet in some developing nations).

I bought some private proxies and it is going a lot better this time around. It still taking forever but its definitely going atleast twice as fast and my success rate is higher. I think the majority of my backlinking efforts with scrapebox are going to be with moveable type and wordpress blogs. I was able to blast out to 25k wordpress blogs in 3 hours yesterday. No matter what the argument about how usefull n0follow links are, I imagine 100 of them are more useful than 1 d0follow on a spammed out blogengine blog.