Samplers 30 Days of Coding


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2010
Reaction score
Hey guys,

I've been putting this off for a while but I've really
wanted to start learning how to code. I'm not super
good at maths or anything but I figure with a bit of
logic, hard work and dedication I can become a half
decent coder. I don't have any plans to do this for a
living but think of it as a great skill that I could have
for my continued journey in IM.

For those who saw this thread a while back

Can see that I'm a big fan of watching TV. Hell, in the
last few months I've smashed through probably 4 shows
with 1-5 seasons each. If I spent all that time doing
something more productive like learning to code then
I'm sure I would have the beginnings of a life-time skill
under my belt already.

So instead of watching TV shows and movies for the next
30 days (maybe once every now and then) I'm going to
dedicate that time to learning to code and see how far I

To start, I'm going to use!/exercises/0
but I could go anywhere from there but I've played around
with that site before and think it's a half-decent place to start.
Finding the site/guides is easy; committing to 30days of coding
is going to be a lot harder.

So far I really don't know much about coding at all. I know about
storing variables (I think??) and that's about it. I'll try and keep
this thread updated (hopefully daily) with benchmarks of what
I am doing/how long I have coded on that day.

First off I'll be looking at Javascript as that seems to be the default
course to begin with on Codecademy. Anyone else who wants to
come in and hijack this thread and learn to code with me, please
feel free. I'd love to form a community around this project of mine.

So my 30 consecutive coding is going to start now. I'll probably get
in anywhere from 30minutes to 1.5hours tonight. My goal for the
30 days will be around 60 hours but I'm looking for quality and
consistancy rather than volume.

Best of luck if you join me on my journey,


Well this could be interesting as unlike many other journeys your target is to actually learn and achieve something worthwhile of future value

Good luck with the experience...
Start off with simple things. Don't try to make anything too complicated initially or you could get frustrated / give up. Use a good IDE and step through your code (debug) line by line, watch how your variables change. Never copy/paste examples - rewrite them. etc etc :)
Start off with simple things. Don't try to make anything too complicated initially or you could get frustrated / give up. Use a good IDE and step through your code (debug) line by line, watch how your variables change. Never copy/paste examples - rewrite them. etc etc :)

Hey mate,

Thanks for the advice.

Yes, I am starting simple i.e.

var name = Sampler

I'm also writing each new bit of code down in a separate
word doc in addition to typing them for the exercises.

1 Hours Today.
1 Hours Total.
59 Hours to go.
1 Day Streak.

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I'm going to be brutally honest with you, when I decided to learn PHP (i didn't know a bjeebie back then) I torrented a Lynda course and chewed through it in a single day because I was VERY motivated, I think PHP is easier to learn (and a better starting point) because PHP have a strong error feedback, while in javascript you have to figure it out by yourself or play with try/catches, but don't give up, never, being a programmer will make you see the world in other perspective.

Heres a simple roadmap for you (if you decide to follow):
-Mysql (you will probably learn this in your php course)
-jQuery (a javascript framework)
Those 4 things is literally ALL you need to make any kind of web page.
So far I've got 1hour of coding in today.
I've been super busy this morning with
other work and will be playing sport for
the next 3hours. When I come back I'll
try and get in at least 1 if not 2 hours in.

So far I'm glad that the few skills I learned
yesterday are staying in my head. I want
to learn through a bit of repitition but I don't
want to have to repeat what I've learned just
for the sake of trying to remember it; hence why
I want to code for 30days in a row to see what
can stick when you apply yourself in a consistant

1 Hours Today.
2 Hours Total.
58 Hours to go.
2 Day Streak.

Good luck dude. This is an important moment in your IM development and will help you much more than you imagine.

The code will set you free!

Thanks for taking an interest in this
thread Zen, you're some awesome

Just did another hour.

It's a good feeling when you start
nailing code without any problem
recollecting what you are meant to
do; albeit simple problems atm, but
everyone has to start somewhere I

I'll probably not have a huge amount of time
tomorrow but I'll do my best to get in at least
one hour of coding.

2 Hours Today.
3 Hours Total.
57 Hours to go.
2 Day Streak.

Just did another hour.

It's a good feeling when you start
nailing code without any problem
recollecting what you are meant to
do; albeit simple problems atm, but
everyone has to start somewhere I

I'll probably not have a huge amount of time
tomorrow but I'll do my best to get in at least
one hour of coding.

2 Hours Today.
3 Hours Total.
57 Hours to go.
2 Day Streak.

Heres a tip, everyday write in a notepad what you learned, then try to think something simple (but of your own) to do with it, do it, save de notepad and close, repeat.
Best of luck. Some advice:

1. Pick a language and stick with it until you have found its limitations for yourself;
2. Separate design from syntax;
3. Plan on spending at least twice as much time on a problem as you think it will take.
All the best, Sampler.
What language have you started with? Javescript or PHP (as suggested by a poster above)
Do you mind adding me on skype? Maybe we can walk this road together? :)
I just PMed you my ID.
I think If you keep working hard you can do anything you want. After you have learned the first language, you have overcome the bigger obstacle.
I think you should start with something simple like Python, also on codeacademy. Here some Free books: pythonbooks(dot)revolunet(dot)com .
I think it better to learn first the concepts, then the languages, this is why I suggest you Python and not php or js. You'll focus much on the code and not on the implementation or the ugliness of the code... Then after 30 days of python jump in whatever language you want to use.
After 4 years working on some languages... I must suggest you python as the first.
Best of luck mate. Analyzing other people's code has worked well for me.
Heres a tip, everyday write in a notepad what you learned, then try to think something simple (but of your own) to do with it, do it, save de notepad and close, repeat.

Cheers for the advice, funnily enough
that's exactly what I've already been
doing. I'm thinking my first project
might be making a website which allows
me to store such notes (but I'm not sure).

But yeah, thanks for the advice and I definitely
think anyone else trying to learn should do this
as well.

All the best, Sampler.
What language have you started with? Javescript or PHP (as suggested by a poster above)
Do you mind adding me on skype? Maybe we can walk this road together? :)
I just PMed you my ID.

Awesome man, I've started with Javascript just
because I liked the look of the first few lessons
on Codeacademy, if the learning curve is too steep
then maybe I will switch BUT I like a bit of a challenge
because it's things which are easy which make me

That said, added you on skype. Feel free to post in
this thread if you start at all.