Russian speaker needed


Regular Member
Jun 10, 2015
Reaction score
i need someone who can translate to me some sentences in photos, in my niche i've been creating my own original content trying to do my best, while another competitor to me has been providing a good quality content as well, but he was stealing the whole time, 80% of his content is just translated from russian to english, and i was thinking "wow these guy are really tough and working hard" but they were goddam translating the whole time without doing any efforts, my main source of traffic is facebook, but the russians who are making the content on a social media called VK are not monitezing it, so i dont see any damage if i take this content and use it for my self aswell, what you guys think?
if you are russian or speak russian i really need you
Hi there,

I'm native Russian speaker with both translation and writing skills (En-Ru, Ru-En).
Can't PM you, but if you still need this feel free to leave me a message.
You can send me the link to the photos. I should be able to translate a few of them for you.
My wife and all her girlfriends are Ukrainian translators. They are from Southern Ukraine, so native Russian speakers. Let me know if you still need help and I can put you in touch with one of them. Lots of opportunity to monetize vk btw....
I'm native Russian but life is too short to bother translating texts :D

Recently I needed ENG<>RUS translation, ordered from this girl on fiverr and the quality was top notch
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if any russians who wont mind translating a 1-2 photos daily (most time they are russian jokes) don't hesitate to reach me.
Thread moved to the "Hire A Freelancer" section.
I can help you if you still need Russian speaker