Rude awakening!


Registered Member
Oct 25, 2009
Reaction score
I submitted a few articles and only one got accepted and they offered me only two dollars!

Now, the content was unique, well written, and it followed most of the suggestions made in this forum in regards to keyword, word count, etc.

Unf. I think my optimism is quickly turning into pesimism as I'm not sure what my next course of action is going to be.

I was not expecting the rejections, and furthermore was not expecting the small amount that was offered.

Of course the "right" thing would be to go at it again but I'm not too sure as of right now.

Any constructive feeback would be highly appreciated : )
If you can pm me your article I'll be happy to read it. I'll try my best to give you some helpful feedback.
Milly will be able to hook you up I'm sure. Basically, AC's reaction to your articles is an indication that you didn't give them what they want. I wouldn't recommend giving up just because your first round of articles didn't perform.
thanks redtide, I guess I have to really way out the pros and cons.

I did everything to the T as far as following everything I read in here. I'm just flabbergasted as to why it was rejected.

Go figure!