Road to 1k


Regular Member
Sep 16, 2015
Reaction score
Our telegram group has reached over 750 members and we're looking to grow to 1000 by the end of this month

There are brand new Telegram groups popping up each day promising that they'll provide the best engagement but with such a low member count, you won't be getting the engagement you need to maximize your growth potential

Join us. We have rounds happening every 3 hours with 9am - 1pm ET being the most active hours
It's about quality not quantity. A group like this is full with small accs and leechers. You may recieve engagement from 50% of the dropped accs. An btw. It's not the amount of likes that matter, it's the power of the likes that matter.
1k members, totally meaningless.

Go for quality. I have one with strict entry requirements, strict rules and rounds on every hour, big accounts. Bet it outperforms any other group with x,xxx accounts with a bunch of mostly smaller accounts.
Great number of members! I wish you good luck with your group.
It's about quality not quantity. A group like this is full with small accs and leechers. You may recieve engagement from 50% of the dropped accs. An btw. It's not the amount of likes that matter, it's the power of the likes that matter.

1k members, totally meaningless.

Go for quality. I have one with strict entry requirements, strict rules and rounds on every hour, big accounts. Bet it outperforms any other group with x,xxx accounts with a bunch of mostly smaller accounts.

Totally agree with them. Every like counts, but not every like counts at the same level.
My advice is to go with a smaller group but with strict requirements. Don't just select users based on their number of followers, but also on their engagement and activity.
You could do awesome things with just 50-100 well selected account or even less.
Obviously you have to fit those requirements too, you can't go looking for huge pages and ask them to like your pictures if you have a brand new account :-)