Rip Off Report


Power Member
Aug 11, 2010
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Anyone know how to delete a rip off report? Or at best move it down past page 4-5? Will pay for someone with experience that can do it
haha. I will be the first to say you cant make everybody happy. But in this case its a jaded x-employee. No merit, all bogus. In biz 30 years, never ripped anyone off, have had unhappy clients, try to take care of them the best we can, but like I said, some people are never happy.
Does anyone have any experience with this? Out SEOing it at best. I would like to get it to page 5 or deeper. It is not really hurting us, it just pisses me off everytime I google us.
There are a couple ways to approach your problem. First is to make a bunch of Web2 properties and get them ranked for your keyword. Thus, after a little time goes by, you can have all of the first page to yourself. I take it that your keyword is your company name, so more than likely there is not much real competition to worry about.

Second, send a load of backlinks to the sites that are ranking now, even though they are not your sites. Move these sites up and the ripoff report goes down to page 2 or 3.
I'm concerned that if you use... techniques... to move it down, you may make matters worse. Especially if it comes to the attention of an admiin or moderator or whatever. Don't most of those site have the opportunity to post a rebuttal? If so, why not go ahead and do so. It sounds like you have a valid story.
You need to do some reverse SEO. First do not write a rebuttal as much as you want to. That will increase it's rank and make it stay longer. And don't waste your time trying to get it removed. ROR has multiple lawsuits against them for just that reason, yet they still refuse to back down. That and the founder is harder to find than Osama Bin Laden. He also has multiple lawsuits against him for reportedly trying to extort business owners. He is wanted in Florida and I believe Arizona last time I checked. Just look up Ed Magedson and you will find all kinds of shit.

As far as pushing the listing down, you have to do reverse SEO. Optimize whatever keyword they are looking up. For example if they are searching for - or or You have to optimize all three of those as keywords. What I do is build satellite pages, and web 2.0 properties. If you own the domain, buy all the extensions, then have an article writer write some bullshit articles with the keyword saturated to shit in the article. Make sure you do all your on site properly. Make the title tag just -, H1 tag- Write the description tag so it has the same keyword saturated in there. Alt tags- put in all the alt tags ect ect ect. Then backlink the shit out of them.

With Blogs, name the blog-, then do the same thing with it for the on site, and then send backlinks to it. Simple submission directories usually do the trick, but some may need some heavier shit.

Also search out what other sites are getting high ranking sites for. Youtube is a good one. Just put the keyword in the title, same as you would the website. Then send some backlinks to it.

You do this over time and it will eventually just disappear. I had some asshole write one on me, and eventually it disappeared.
I did push a ripoffreport page to the 5th page in the past

First, let me know your brand keyword by PM. I may be able to help you
Spew out a bunch of vids (lots of vids/lots of sites) with the keywords in the description. Vids don't always show in results but if they do for your keywords you'll kill with this.

Helped a client move some bad stuff down just by using vids on the top 10 vid sharing sites.
JS you f'in rock, i did write multiple rebuttals..It was over 2 years ago, but whatever, I will start on this asap. Ed M is a bad mammy jammy, he got paid big $$ to take off ROR's. Kinda like online mafiosa, he would create ROR's on big cash rich companies, then pinch them to take it off. Kinda brilliant, made tons. Probably bought the island next to Bransons.

You need to do some reverse SEO. First do not write a rebuttal as much as you want to. That will increase it's rank and make it stay longer. And don't waste your time trying to get it removed. ROR has multiple lawsuits against them for just that reason, yet they still refuse to back down. That and the founder is harder to find than Osama Bin Laden. He also has multiple lawsuits against him for reportedly trying to extort business owners. He is wanted in Florida and I believe Arizona last time I checked. Just look up Ed Magedson and you will find all kinds of shit.

As far as pushing the listing down, you have to do reverse SEO. Optimize whatever keyword they are looking up. For example if they are searching for - or or You have to optimize all three of those as keywords. What I do is build satellite pages, and web 2.0 properties. If you own the domain, buy all the extensions, then have an article writer write some bullshit articles with the keyword saturated to shit in the article. Make sure you do all your on site properly. Make the title tag just -, H1 tag- Write the description tag so it has the same keyword saturated in there. Alt tags- put in all the alt tags ect ect ect. Then backlink the shit out of them.

With Blogs, name the blog-, then do the same thing with it for the on site, and then send backlinks to it. Simple submission directories usually do the trick, but some may need some heavier shit.

Also search out what other sites are getting high ranking sites for. Youtube is a good one. Just put the keyword in the title, same as you would the website. Then send some backlinks to it.

You do this over time and it will eventually just disappear. I had some asshole write one on me, and eventually it disappeared.
I did push a ripoffreport page to the 5th page in the past

First, let me know your brand keyword by PM. I may be able to help you

So how did you do it? there is a rip off report on my website, and its annoying as hell, posted back links , social networks, nothing working.
it is not very easy there used to be a very easy way to knock it off but that has gone by the wayside. If you want long term results pricing is different compared to short term. PM and I can do some stuff for you. As I own 1 of the biggest companies in this space and deal with these problems all of the time for clients.

If your willing to be a case study I can give you a friendly BHW member discount.
Really tough, Hardy. The strange thing is that the site doesn't even open right half the time. Still, they get ranked. I had a client who had a similar situation, and i sent a mail to Google. They asked for further information, but could not promise anything. Meanwhile, the client changed his brand name! So probably you could approach Google if you have a brandable website URL. Regular SEO is certain to cost a bomb, as each URL will slowly have to be pushed up. My 2 cents :) All the best and do keep us posted. Subscribed.
Anyone know how to delete a rip off report? Or at best move it down past page 4-5? Will pay for someone with experience that can do it

Its possible to move it down to page 4-5. It depends upon several things ...which site the report is appearing? , For how many keywords ? , How much you are ready to spend ?

Wish you luck!
From what I have read you can also send them a C&D. If they don't respond, you can contact Google with proof of C&D and they will deindex the page. That takes paying a lawyer. If it has lost you business it is most likely worth it.