RevenYou low commissions


Power Member
May 3, 2010
Reaction score
I am fairly new to Pay Per Install, I used to do PPD but heard good things about PPI so I decided to switch over but I am getting extremely low commissions

These are my stats for the past 4 days:


And as you can see here, most of my install are from the United States:


What I don't understand is how, for example, on April the 30th I only made $0.84 for 28 completed installs. That is 3 cents per install, is this normal in PPI or am I getting screwed over here? Because I see PPI networks advertising that they pay $1.50 per install, and this does not even come close to those amounts.

Thanks for anyone who could shed some light on this. I have already applied at aMonetize and will see if they have better commissions.


  • ikjCmWz.png
    12.8 KB · Views: 43
Hey man, do not waste your time with revenyou they are big scam, go to another PPI network some companies pay $ 2 per install, go to another network and be happy !
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I get 1$+ per US install on revenyou..
happened that to me on revenyou as well, they shave. I switched to another network
bookmarked this thread.
I didnt know that RevenYou has such a bad image...

Which PPI network is currently a good one?
They do shave big time on their tier 1 country installs but I like the fact that you can export your distribution file and upload it to mediafire for example. I'm getting way more downloads that way because direct installer links (like Amonetize) tend to trigger anti-virus faster. I'll wait for an alternative to revenyou but for now I'm OK since they do pay.
In first month(when i was using it) Revenyou really had high CPI, and i got my 70$ from them, then i stoped doing that kind of buisiness for about month or two... Now i went to revenyou site, and i still had some installs, but commisions were also low... So i want to go on other network, what do you guys reccomend?
An average install in US worth $1.3-$1.5 and can go up to $2.3.

Shaving makes no sense cause the more you are profitable the more you will work with us.

The user value is very much depended on you traffic sources.
If you bring fresh users you will get a high PPI. If your users have already all kind of stuff on their PCs you will see low user value.
Please contact your account manager at RevenYou or our support and they will help you figure out how to increase your PPI and get more money.
Guys, I'm not sure what your traffic is, but mine is converting the best I have ever seen in my life.

In april, with awm I made $22 from 400ish clicks, since may 2nd I changed my links to revenyou and I earned those $22 in 3 days (and there are some hours left of today!)


I am just talking about my experience with revenyou so far.

Also, several people tell me that amonetize pays around 30% more than revenyou but the only drawback is the net45 which for me is a LOONG time to get paid.

So, revenyou has worked very well for me and finally started watching those $10 days :)

Let's see if I hit $200-$300 this month.

Edit: Here's my "Installs per country" map:

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MY review about them:

So my first month on revenyou turns out to be great I get around $0.07 per start install but now this month my average is $0.05 per start install. Cound you imagine how much they have change. If we are dealing with thousands of started installs that will be huge difference. This month 1200 installs I get $50 and about few months ago I get $65-$75 per 1000 start installs. Nothings wrong with my traffic it was the same traffic that made me thousands but I'm a littlebit dissapointed right now. Its not traffic resource and bad traffic its because they lower payouts because of high amount of users :) same like what happen to PPD and PPI won't get far like what PPD has that lasted for years. The hype will be over within a year in my predictions based on what I observe on my earnings

What I like about revenyou is that they pay on time ( I got early payments ) they have awesome support team also. Goodluck to all of you
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Sounds troubling. Any statistical data to support this claim about shaving?
Sounds troubling. Any statistical data to support this claim about shaving?

they are not shaving I guess but they do lower the rates daily but it increase sometimes it was like bitcoin very unstable
i have a dramatically drop in toolbar installs since 2 days. traffic is the same, start and successful installs are the same but toolbar installs are down by 50%.

what about you guys, has anybody the same experience ?
I'm noticing an extreme decrease of income as well lately. Similar install numbers, same traffic source, ~50% less income. Revenyou is dropping the ball.
I thought I would be banking with revenyou, but it seems is going dow the drain lol

Same traffic, same everything but people are not installing the toolbars and earnings are down as well.

Lets see what revenyou has to say...

The pic is from May 1st to May 9th (today)

royserpa, I'm not sure if you've made that enormous screenshot to further your point, but it could really use an edit to smaller size.
And on the topic: Revenyou (aka the RY rep with the same nickname), care you shed some light regarding the decreased payouts?