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[REQ] NoCostTrafficBlueprint(dot)Com


Registered Member
Apr 15, 2010
Reaction score
Hey Guys,

I don't know if you have been to the webinar of Andrew Fox last night I believe.

It's a pretty cool webinar see it here :


The product is about building a news website and get tons of traffic for free!

If someone got this product it's $497 share it, please.

I try to find it, but nothing.... it turns out to be a membership site, so no way I can get in ....
I really think most so called "Gurus" overprice their products so much. $497? Give me a break. The only so called "no cost" traffic strategies are SEO, social media, article marketing, video marketing and jv/affiliate traffic (well, at least the ones that are worthwhile). Also about the news site if you are trying to get to Google news search this forum, someone post the requirements and how to get free traffic from there.

Don't believe the BS from Gurus or you are going to lose a big amount of money.
I don't think you get what I mean.... My point is to get a site into google news ... that's it .... after that I know that 1 news may stay at the search results for ... 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week or 1 month ... it really depend ..

Anyway ... The course cost a lot ... yeah, you are right here, and no one will actually buy this for such an expensive price ... but IF get into google news with my own site it's gonna be just great.

You will get a lot of traffic ... you monitize it however you want ! .... That's the main reason I am looking for that course ....

If someone tell me how to get into google news from 1st request .... please, tell us ... I think it will be apreaciated !
Anyway ... The course cost a lot ... yeah, you are right here, and no one will actually buy this for such an expensive price ...

You are kidding, right? Plenty of people will buy it for that price, and those who actually put it to use will likely make that much or more each day.

What I'm interested in is the content generator they provide that builds the news site for you, because building the news site the proper way is really time consuming.
It was just for a 100 people .. and it was for a webinar only ... I think the site is not live for now ...

And yeah, for me the most interesting part is how to get into google news with your own site ....
here is the quick version of the course..

1) you see what theme he using so you can do the same thing
2) he includes writer names & emails (most likely fake)
3) check out hxxp://goog.briefer.net/Google_News:_Publisher_FAQ for all information you need to be accepted into news section of google as a publisher..

If all else fails.. pay for inclusion like everyone else.. :-)

Thanks would be appreciated..



BTW, I have not purchased this course.. nor do I intend to.. I think it is way over prices and since all the gurus are pushing it.. it MUST be a crap.. I think all you need is the above..
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