remove recaptcha for old accounts


Junior Member
May 6, 2007
Reaction score
Remove recaptcha for account 1 year old or 2. :D
You forgot to add the demanding "NOW!" because that's how everything else sounds :d
I agree with this. For people who get a lot of PMs like myself, this really makes it a pain. Maybe take the captcha off for people who have X amounts of post, iTrader, and Rep.
me too. royal pain with these captchas. i think this should be limited to noobs.
hrhr not that i use pms that much, but i can see where it becomes annoying.

Well as a true marketer, allow x ID's the ability to remove capatchas for 5-20 bucks one time cost? hahah :)
Yes it should really be removed, I don't feel like I deserve a stupid captcha error on every PM.

Post count or account age or a combination should be used to define if captchas have to be placed.
It's been changed!! Check it out...still a capcha, but much easier and funny!
There is a reason for this, you know.