Reliable high-risk Merchant Account?


Regular Member
Mar 3, 2010
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Hey Guys,

Can anyone recommend any reliable high-risk MA for online tech support? Thanks in advance.


Please let us know the answers to - monthly volume, Country of incorporation and processing history.
I know I've been posting this a lot on here, but Durango Merchant Services have been one of the most reliable high-risk merchant accounts we've dealt with. I can't post links yet, but just google "Durango Merchant Maverick" for one of our reviews of the company. :)

If you have questions, let me know.

Yeah you may just copy / paste your posting... however, I agree with you, they are a cool company, have been working with them aswell for more than 10 years by now!!

I know I've been posting this a lot on here, but Durango Merchant Services have been one of the most reliable high-risk merchant accounts we've dealt with. I can't post links yet, but just google "Durango Merchant Maverick" for one of our reviews of the company. :)

If you have questions, let me know.

Hi I do have a processor that will pretty much process for ANY legitimate business, as long as you have a good processing history and good monthly volume, so if you're interested, please respond and send your contact info or atleast and email address...thank you, Anissa
like i said, I do have a processor that will pretty much process for ANY legitimate business, as long as you have a good processing history and good monthly volume, so if you're interested, please respond and send your email address...thank you, Anissa
You are spamming your processor on all threads here... If anyone is jumping on that train, check out if the processor this guy knows is listed as PCI certified payment provider on the public available VISA Europe or VISA USA website, if not, kiss your money good buye, sooner or later!

like i said, I do have a processor that will pretty much process for ANY legitimate business, as long as you have a good processing history and good monthly volume, so if you're interested, please respond and send your email address...thank you, Anissa
Hello everyone,

I am planning to start a company through which I will be able to sell websites in the US & Canada. As I have a team of 15 developers back here in india. I have seen quite of few people doing this business by using a virtual address and virtual phone number by saying they are based in US whereas they are not. I need help to get a way through which I could recieve money from US without letting them know that we are from india. I have used an INDIAN paypal account but they easily come to know that we are from india. I don't want this to happen. Please guide me what are possibilities. As I don't have anyone known to me in the US.
I have a couple of pre approved high risk account.. details about your target market : volume and when can you start ..
Hello buddy!
You can get easily from many sites that are available on Google.
You can hire MA easily from freelance sites.
if you dont get complaints open a american llc and get one at a american bank, they pay daily with low fees..

We specialized in high-risk business. Our goal is to provide undisputed high-risk merchant account .
To do that effectively, we have to understand the unique needs of the high risk business and provide
unique products and services to serve that industry.

We would be able to setup up an immediate Visa/MasterCard/Discover/Amex , E-Check
processor and we represent considerable authority in the Credit Card Processing industry.
We provide all kind of Online Payment Solutions(Gateway) for Tech Support process,Pharmacy Nutra etc.

Apoorv Joshi