register or .cn domains


Elite Member
Jul 7, 2010
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I want/need one of these pretty badly. From my research it seems that they're restricted on all the quality looking registrars. I have found some dodgier looking registrars who will register them, but they seem to go against everything I read on the more genuine sites.

Has anyone (not in china) successfully registered a or .cn domain? And who with?

Or is there a friendly chinease blackhatter out there who'd maybe want to do this for me? - for a fee of course.
i see a couple of normal ones.. will register anything just about but i dunno about them

enom say this

"Domain name applicants need to submit the formal paper based application material when making the online application to the registrar. The application material includes the original application form with Chinese branch or Hong Kong branch business seal, company business license (photocopy), and registrant ID (photocopy). Individuals are not allowed to register. China Branch/Hong Kong Branch: means international companies, enterprises, and organizations establish within mainland China (PRC)or Hong Kong, a wholly owned or share controlling entity: including a branch, a subsidiary or a representative office which is having the same ?name? as the parent entity. The local entity must register with the relevant Chinese authorities. For example: IBM should use ?IBM China? or "IBM Hong Kong" to register Chinese employee: the person submitting the application on behalf of the registrant (the entity), must be a Chinese/Hong Kong citizen and has a valid PRC personal ID. Any IDN.CN domain name registered today will continue to be bundled with its IDN.IDN equivalent. "

and the other one says absolutely everything is uanavailable when you try to register it. And I cannot beleive that and are registered and functioning doamins.

So thanks anyway, but those two are definately no go.
I registered a .cn domain through many years ago and there were no requirements. It doesn't look like they offer then anymore.

edit: Enom's no requirements are for resellers, not clients. Looking for you.

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