is down - Change your links!


Registered Member
Jul 31, 2011
Reaction score
For all of you using the website is redirecting visitors to a shady adult website since a couple of hours. Not sure if it's permanently or if their service is just down at the moment. Keep a close eye on it if you're using their fake/blank referrer service.
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I honestly don't know of any. It's generally better to use your own redirection service with your own domain & hosting.
ok I've got hosting and domain, now how to change the redirection?
do u know sometimes redirect us to one unknown porn site, the name of the site is like sex-a-day or something. It looks like to me that secretly promote that porn site through people that using their service.
Yeah, sometimes they redirect you to some strange porn site, but usually that happens just like once or twice a day out of 1000 visitors. Right now it's completely down, for every single visitor.
Well if anyone has a similar self-hosted referrer-spoofing script, I think we ( users) would all appreciate it :p
for those who have got hosting and domain , you can find many redirectors floating around here .
Yup, works great using CLP + JD's script posted earlier.
CLP's solution will mean we don't need to rely on anymore?

Does it do a double meta refresh?
Giving this a bump so everyone still knows it's redirecting still
They redirected 25% of all traffic I was redirecting through them and I think now it's up to 100%. Don't use them anymore!
Yup, works great using CLP + JD's script posted earlier.

Dear Sir,

I am a total newbie at these things.

May I please kindly ask if you would like to step me through how to install the script and get it running ?

I have domain and hosting.

Thank you

Kind Regards

Cat Black Hat
I was hoping to use this to take my generic traffic and make it appear to come from my Web 2.0s and other links. I wanted to do a test and see if my rankings increased because my links appeared to be bringing me traffic in Google Analytics.

I tried to use it and saw the porn redirect.

Anybody have any alternatives.
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