recommend your best article spinner


Junior Member
Jun 29, 2011
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hello guys,
I have some articles I need to spin before using them on my website. There are many free and paid articles spinner out there and I'm confuse which one to use. Guys please recommend the one you have used with Good result. either free or paid. (free preferable) Thanks
I like to use the best spinner, it is a yearly payment. I think it was $47
im using spinchimp and like it more than my TBS for manual spinning
I used TBS for a year but just got SpinnerChief - SC is way better imo
I recommend TBS its a payed version, works very good. If you are looking for free spinner chief is good. Its not bad compared with TBS.
Ok guys. Thanks! I really appreciate your reply. going for spinner chief
I'm using The Best Spinner and it's great.
Spinchimp followed by spinnerchief elite.
TBS interface is horrible, imo. I haven't tried anything else though.
i will suggest you
Article Marketing Robot
Magic Article Rewriter and Submitter
The Best Spinner
Use jetspinner its good, i use it myself.

Ebizsubmit for SEO, Internet Marketing & Website Promotion
TBS only if you're born top-lucky :D
Anything else if you want things done without headaches...
I'm using Spin Chimp and I do the spinning manually, not the one-click spinning.
Hey guys,

Please provide the free download link for spinner chief.

It would be great if you can provide it sooner.
TBS hands down. Fast, user friendly, and regularly gets updated.
spinchimp is the best however the best spinner is the most popular and its api is integrated in a lot of plugins and programs so take that into consideration
i have used a lot of article spinning programs I use the best spinner. It's clean little editing required after spun.