Received infractrion and had posts deleted

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Senior Member
Apr 29, 2010
Reaction score

As you can see I've been a member here for a while. I don't expect special treatment or anything and I like to believe I have followed all of the rules. I really enjoy this forum. I'm not here to spam or scam anyone. Anyways, to my point. I was a donor to this site, as you can see that under my name it clearly says "donor", maybe that expired at some point, I'm not sure of that. Recently I had another member, a newbie with virtually no reputation whatsoever say that I scammed him for $5. I was quick to defend myself. I didn't start a flame war and I didn't claim anything false. I did flag their posts however because they were lying. Doing this I must have ended up on a mod's radar. bz is the mod in question. He decided I needed an infraction because I had a signature in my footer and I wasn't a donor. I explained why I believed myself to be a donor, like I said you can look under my name and see "donor". It may have been a year ago or more though. My account clearly says "donor". Even in the screenshot they sent me it says this. I then had several of my posts deleted and I am blocked from posting in certain forums here. If this is how donors and regulars of this forum are treated I would rather not donate again and will go elsewhere. It's rude and unwarranted. With that said I hope I can get this resolved. If mods decide I need to be banned then so be it. I spoke my mind.
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$5? Someone complained cause of $5? Some people need to get a life ...
It seems the mods here really don't mess around. I can see why you're frustrated, but in this kind of atmosphere you really have to play by the strict rules or you'll be gone. If it wasn't for those rules and strict mods, this website would suck. I'm sorry you're having trouble, but I would just forget about it and move on.
Life is unfair and bhw sometimes shows that as well. You can simply discuss the issue with the mods and if no reply or no solution then think about the other things.

About donating or not, thats your choice entirely. I personally do not believe that you need to pay because you have obtained knowledge. If knowledge is the currency, then give back in knowledge rather than in the form of donations.

In any case, don't over stress.

Spaces along your post will make it visible and readable.
Get real dude.. Your vip subscription expired and your privileges did too, what to complain about it? You want to have your link in your sig then renew your subscription. The badge under your name may be a glitch by the system but you are well aware that you are no longer a vip.
You should have explained situation to an Admin, not post shit about a Mod here

They have lot of work and sometimes make mistakes, it's not a good move posting this here

Just my 2 cents
I think my posts are actually still up. That may have been a mistake. Seems one I thought had been deleted is still there.
Absolutey, I agree and I have no problem doing that. That's not the issue however.

Get real dude.. Your vip subscription expired and your privileges did too, what to complain about it? You want to have your link in your sig then renew your subscription. The badge under your name may be a glitch by the system but you are well aware that you are no longer a vip.
Hey, it happens. I got nailed on a infraction because of political comments; in fact it was other member busily flaming each other while I was trying to add a little perspective and sanity to the argument. In any case I got nailed with the others, tried to appeal to the Admins but got no response. The infraction last 6 months and I doubt that I will get in trouble again so I'll just wait it out. Life is sometimes unfair but there is no sense in whining about it.
all ille say is if you have beef with a high ranking member
above you - way above you - best to keep your thoughts
to yourself or pm them - doing it publicly can only end in
a car crash . on any forum some like you some dont, deal with
it and forget it, sticks and stones and all that. i have an old saying

people can call me what they like
as long as they dont call me to late for my dinner .
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Let it go man. Stirring the pot will get you nowhere and it was no big deal to begin with. You probably made it worse now. What I would have done is contact the mod in question and very politely ask why you received an infraction.

Then you could have opened the door to a discussion and be able to defend yourself. This would have been handled in private and would have been much more productive. Now since you whined about it to the general public it is now another matter and prob will not end well.
Whinning around in public can only make things worse. Use PMs. Mods are human beings :).
I agree. I have deleted my comment and it's being resolved.
Unedited for clarity. Your self-entitlement and sensitivity aren't our responsibility. You weren't bullied, you weren't disrespected, you weren't punished, random threads of yours weren't deleted, and everything was explained to you. The infraction was reversed the second you confirmed the account, and as soon as I'm done looking into the accusation you'll probably have your affiliate thread back.


zoomsixx said:
Changing the password didn't send a link verification, changing the email did however. That worked. Thanks for your help.

bz said:
Did you click on the link in your email? It's still showing your account as waiting for email confirmation.

zoomsixx said:
I reset my password and I'm still blocked from posting.

zoomsixx said:
I could be wrong about the posts being deleted. Seems like one I thought was deleted showed back up. I will try your advice as well.

zoomsixx said:
Like I said before. I was a donor. It may have been a year ago or more though. My account clearly says "donor". Even in the screenshot you sent. If you could explain before I start talking to another mod about why my posts were deleted and why I'm being penalized and blocked from posting in certain forums I would appreciate it. If this is how donors and regulars of this forum are treated I would rather not donate again and will go elsewhere.

bz said:
A. If you want to talk to another mod; you are more than welcome to do that. The problem with doing that is they're going to come right back to me to get the details. Playing the victim isn't going to help the situation, and I have been nothing but respectful and informative especially considering you have been accused of defrauding someone. Be it $5 or $5,000; we look into complaints. The only posts of yours that were deleted were the posts where you and kasopise, your accuser, were arguing publicly back and forth, and your affiliate offer thread. This was just explained to you, and nobody is going to change that outside of me.

B. I just explained to you why you're having issues posting in certain forums, your account is currently stuck in a pseudo-moderation mode. Something changed in your profile at some point, which may also be preventing a proper update to your account status as a donor, and you can fix it by changing your password and clicking on the activation link in your email. This will remove the limitation on where you can post. Nobody has penalized you, and you aren't being punished for anything; you have the ability to fix the issue by doing exactly what I told you. Try this first, and then we'll work on the other issue.

zoomsixx said:
Like I said before. I was a donor. It may have been a year ago or more though. My account clearly says "donor". Even in the screenshot you sent. If you could explain before I start talking to another mod about why my posts were deleted and why I'm being penalized and blocked from posting in certain forums I would appreciate it. If this is how donors and regulars of this forum are treated I would rather not donate again and will go elsewhere.

bz said:
The only posts of yours that I deleted were related to the dispute between you and kasopise, and your affiliate offer thread as the complaints are still being investigated. You shouldn't be prevented from posting in any sections, but it appears you must have changed either your email, or password, and some point and your account isn't validated any more. To alleviate that issue just do a password reset and make sure to click on the activation link in the email you receive.

zoomsixx said:
I'm still waiting on a reply. I would like to know why several of my posts that had nothing to do with any of this were deleted. Also why I have been blocked from posting in some forums. Should I contact someone else about this?

bz said:
I'll have an admin double check the situation and make sure there wasn't any problems with the upgrade expiring early. Once I get the all clear I'll drop your infraction.

In the meantime, I'm investigating this situation with the guy you've been battling back and forth across the forum. His posts have been deleted, as have yours, and both itrader reviews have been removed. I've read all the responses back and forth and asked him to provide proof that you agreed to pay. If it was a trial, and there was no agreement to pay, I'll take care of him. If there was, I'll need to see something from your end to validate your claims.

zoomsixx said:
I believe it's been more than a year. I believed myself to be a donor so I was not purposely breaking any rules. If I look at my account it clearly says that I am a donor. I would appreciate you removing the infraction and then I will go ahead and pay again. It's not an issue.

bz said:

You are not classified in the forum as a donor. If you recently paid, please provide a paypal transaction id and the paypal address you paid with and I'll get you upgraded. If you donated more than a year ago it has expired. I'm more than willing to assist you in getting the proper access, but currently you are not a donor and that limits your permissions on the forum. If there is a glitch somewhere, I'll be more than happy to remove the infraction.

zoomsixx said:
I check my account and it says "Donor". I paid a while back.

bz said:
You are not a donor, check your account. You are classified as a Regular Member.

zoomsixx said:
I am a donor. Please remove the infraction.

bz said:
Dear zoomsixx,

You have received an infraction at Black Hat Forum Black Hat SEO.

Reason: Signature Rule Violation
As a nondonor member you are not allowed to advertise through your signature, as such it has been removed. Do not advertise through your signature again.

This infraction is worth 3 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

Original Post:
skype zoomsixx(Adblaze Marketing) are a scammer !

This guy has been on here posting comments about me. He told me he could send high quality Facebook worldwide Facebook fans. I asked for some examples, so he sent 1000 to a page I designated. Every one of the fans was Russian, most without pics. So this idiot then proceeds to tell me I owe him $5. lol, not in this lifetime. It probably would have been worth it to pay him to go away but I feel the truth should be known. I believe this bottom feeder is too stupid to do any real business, as you can tell by his posts he can barely speak English, so be warned.

All the best,
Black Hat Forum Black Hat SEO
I don't feel self entitled, maybe sensitive though. I hadn't done anything wrong. I was mistaken about the threads being deleted. What exactly does my affiliate thread have to do with this? I'm just curious.
Well I guess it's being resolved here. Either way, thanks for helping. I'm far from feeling self entitled and don't want nor expect special treatment. That's not what I'm about. I deal with others with respect and expect the same. That's all.
Fair question, and I'll answer in hopes of it being an object lesson to others.

If you were involved in a situation where someone got stiffed for a small fee what's to say you wouldn't stiff someone for a larger amount? It's a preventative measure taken during investigation. I often do this with shitlist threads and massive BST complaints. I don't take either side in a dispute until I have enough information to ascertain where the responsibility lay, and as such nobody gets the benefit of the doubt with me because we deal with massive amounts of fraud and this industry is ripe with nefarious intent. It's not a personal thing.
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