Out of interest, do you offer strategies for building credit for LLC or funding?
First let me say FICO, your personal credit, is most important. People often think they can just use the EIN and LLC for credit inquiries but truth is banks and private lenders will all want a FICO, almost all funding, even "unsecured", has a personal guarantee where if the LLC fails to repay it falls on you. This upsets people with bad scores who were lead to believe they could bypass that with some business credit building service (which it can to a degree)
Ultimately the most important/useful credit is a great FICO.
Building credit for for you LLC would mean building business credit ie Paydex Score mostly referred too, but there are three scores one from Experian and Equifax business too.
This can be accomplished a few ways, but its not used so much for loans. Its used more commonly for net terms. That is also how you can build it. By applying for and using trade lines. So when a supplier offers you net 30/60/90 terms on repayment, if they report to Paydex, that will build your score. To receive trade lines like that, your Paydex will/cab be checked. A score over 80 is desirable, to receive the highest scores you must pay off the invoices before they are due (for example on net30, pay off in 10 days)
Note the net terms may likely not be reported so you would want to self report, get the supplier to report to Paydex.
Next is by using Business credit cards. Business credit cards reporting to the Business Bureaus which are separate from personal bureaus. Note that you need true business cards. A Wells Fargo business card IIRC reports only to Business, and not personal scores. A Capital One Business card is really reporting to your personal score and does not build business credit.
Look up through Google youll easily find which cards ideally report to Business and will not report to FICO.
You build it same as how you build personal, on time payments, time, low usage.
You can also get a store charge card. Like a gas card. Basically a credit card that only works at that retailer. So you can apply for a gas credit card at say Exxon idk and the card is only good at Exxon.
There is also Corporate credit which is based off of you DUNS number (which you usually need to apply for yourself). Dont bother with a DUNS, thats for huge corps like IDK Walmart lol, I think people get roped into services that build them bc of the appeal of "Corporate", but no one cares for small business.
Lastly, to use your Paydex score, for loans, youll have to seek out lenders that specifically use it. A lot wont care about it tbh they arent going to check it nor care. So Google it up. It cant hurt to build though of course.