[RANT + WTB] Need a VERIFIED Amazon Associates account!


Registered Member
Nov 28, 2014
Reaction score
So here is the deal - I started with Amazon Associates in the beginning of this week. Traffic generation isn't really a problem for me anymore so I figured why not give them a try. 95% of the whole method is automated anyway. So, I set up a site that displays an amazon product page.. only styled better and more efficiently, which results in a huge ctr too the actual amazon products. In other words, my site is a sales funnel.

So I apply to amazon, build some product pages, send traffic and get a good solid 10 - 20 product sales in a period of 24h. However, as most of you guys know, Amazon only reviews your site once you get some actual sales going and that's where they f*ck up the whole story. I got rejected for the 3th time today!!!

The reason being that I don't have any "original" content on my site (like, who cares about content these days?). They were right though, because I didn't have 10 words I wrote myself on the entire site the first time I applied. Everything is pulled from Amazon so I thought "Fare enough, I'll add some content to my site". I ordered 15 articles, which I posted to the front page of my site, since the homepage isn't actually getting any traffic anyway, and applied again. BAM!!! Same story!!! I was like "Are you sh*tting me?!" Another dozen of sales and commissions they stole from me!

Yesterday I tried again with a new domain, because I thought they blacklisted the first domain, but no luck either.. What the hell is wrong with these Aholes? My sales are solid so why don't they want them???? I wrote them an angry e-mail, explaining that my sites are sales funnels but no reply yet. The funny thing is that I wasn't sending 5% of my available traffic, so they are also missing out on sales (like they care :banghead:)

Time to rethink my strategy. I willing to buy a fully verified Amazon Associates account. But I need EVERYTHING, meaning the e-mail used to register the account, etc.
Any advice and people willing to sell their accounts, please hit me up!!! Thanks for ready ;)
You should probably read the Amazon associates TOS first. Maybe you missed out on something.

like, who cares about content these days?

A lot more than you think.
You won't get approved without content on your website. You should have proper website with content related to your niche, and the pages about, privacy, contact all properly setup. You need to read their TOS and follow it or you will not be approved.
A lot more than you think.
Content doesn't matter that much if you're not in the SEO game and you can pull content from other sources.. Really, I admire people who spend tons of money on content, take months to build authority sites and then rely on something like Google as a traffic source. Especially when things can be so much easier! But hey.. I was naive too when I started out with IM ;)

I've got all the required pages (like contact, privacy, ect.. this isn't my first FYI) and the thing that bothers me most is that I found a competitor who is doing the exact same thing but even more boldly.. he doesn't have a homepage, about page and all that bullshit! His pages are styled like crap but he's probably generating hundreds of sales a day.