Ranking issues


Junior Member
Nov 2, 2023
Reaction score
my client has a new website that sells organic products. I made keyword research. Wrote really nice text to evey cathegory, changed Urls. Made h1, h2 etc. All is good but I still rank really bad compared to competetion.
What should I do ? only left is doing linkbuildng ? How is it possible that they rank wel with no text or really bad written text and i dont ?
My ranking is the first on the left
You said it yourself, this website is new. Give time to Google, SEO isn't over night.
Also, link-building is a big deal nowadays. This is something that will skyrocket his ranking later on.

Google Ads campaigns for his products could be an option. Make sure to do keyword research for CPC.
You said it yourself, this website is new. Give time to Google, SEO isn't over night.
Also, link-building is a big deal nowadays. This is something that will skyrocket his ranking later on.

Google Ads campaigns for his products could be an option. Make sure to do keyword research for CPC.
And what should I do with that page ? Should I just leave it and make more blog posts etc and it could rank a better if I will link from blogs to it ?
If your website is new and you have done all on page SEO work on your website then you probably should give it some time to get ranked.

And make blog posts in the mean time and interlink them. Also, you will need to build links sooner or later to get the maximum ranking.
If your website is new and you have done all on page SEO work on your website then you probably should give it some time to get ranked.

And make blog posts in the mean time and interlink them. Also, you will need to build links sooner or later to get the maximum ranking.
Yeah I think I made all I could for that page
Created meta description with keyword in it
Wrote a good text for every category
Changed Urls
Changed category names for searched keywords
idk if there is anything more I could do ?
I just dont really understand that some pages rank on possition 2 and have like 1 sentance of text and nothing more
so they build a lot of backlinks? They also have more products. Maybe thats why ?
look, its chaos in google search, I have been doing this for 15+ years, and the only time that was this bad is when all of my sites got deindexed. No matter what you do, odds are that it ain't gonna change a lot