[QUESTION] Looking for an affordable and effective keyword clustering tool

Roger Marquez

Elite Member
Executive VIP
Apr 17, 2017
Reaction score
As the title says, I am looking for that can process a list with thousands and thousands of keywords and automatically cluster/sort/group them semantically or by search intent.

Till now I´ve been using a free tool called Cluster Army and even tho it provide "OK" results more often than not I have to clean the data because it generates weird or inconsistent results.

I am aware of some SEO tools that offer this but they are very expensive so, I would like to know what you guys use to cluster a large number of keywords and if you´re 100% happy with the results.


They also give 400 free credits.

So SearchSolved UK have a clustering script hosted on a Google Collab -

You can access it here - https://colab.research.google.com/g..._Semantic_Clustering_Tool_by_LeeFootSEO.ipynb

How to use?

1. Open the above link
2. Goto "Runtime" and "Change Runtime Type" and set the "Hardware Accelerator" to "GPU"
3. Hit "Ctrl + F9" OR goto "Runtime" and select "Run All" (If you see a prompt from Google, hit "Run Anyway").
4. Wait for a few seconds - as Collab runs the script in parts - you can read the explanation below every part of the code.
5. The script will stop at "File Type"
6. Click on Upload and upload a CSV with a maximum of 50K rows - make sure it contains column headings and a column called "Keyword"
7. Let 'er rip!

The script will cluster your keywords and append a new cluster column to your keyword set.

How it works?

It uses the Fast Clustering Algorithm by UPKLabs - https://github.com/UKPLab/sentence-...es/applications/clustering/fast_clustering.py

And a bunch of Pretrained SentenceTransformers Models from here - https://www.sbert.net/docs/pretrained_models.html

Tweaking Settings

You can tweak a few things

For instance, under "Choose a Sentence Transformer" you can select the Transformer model from the above list.

#transformer = 'all-mpnet-base-v2'  # provides the best quality
transformer = 'all-MiniLM-L6-v2'  # 5 times faster and still offers good quality

You can also play around with Cluster Accuracy and Minimum Cluster Size

cluster_accuracy = 85  # 0-100 (100 = very tight clusters, but higher percentage of no_cluster groups)
min_cluster_size = 2  # set the minimum size of cluster groups. (Lower number = tighter groups)
Looks good but expensive...



So SearchSolved UK have a clustering script hosted on a Google Collab -

You can access it here - https://colab.research.google.com/g..._Semantic_Clustering_Tool_by_LeeFootSEO.ipynb

How to use?

1. Open the above link
2. Goto "Runtime" and "Change Runtime Type" and set the "Hardware Accelerator" to "GPU"
3. Hit "Ctrl + F9" OR goto "Runtime" and select "Run All" (If you see a prompt from Google, hit "Run Anyway").
4. Wait for a few seconds - as Collab runs the script in parts - you can read the explanation below every part of the code.
5. The script will stop at "File Type"
6. Click on Upload and upload a CSV with a maximum of 50K rows - make sure it contains column headings and a column called "Keyword"
7. Let 'er rip!

The script will cluster your keywords and append a new cluster column to your keyword set.

How it works?

It uses the Fast Clustering Algorithm by UPKLabs - https://github.com/UKPLab/sentence-...es/applications/clustering/fast_clustering.py

And a bunch of Pretrained SentenceTransformers Models from here - https://www.sbert.net/docs/pretrained_models.html

Tweaking Settings

You can tweak a few things

For instance, under "Choose a Sentence Transformer" you can select the Transformer model from the above list.

#transformer = 'all-mpnet-base-v2'  # provides the best quality
transformer = 'all-MiniLM-L6-v2'  # 5 times faster and still offers good quality

You can also play around with Cluster Accuracy and Minimum Cluster Size

cluster_accuracy = 85  # 0-100 (100 = very tight clusters, but higher percentage of no_cluster groups)
min_cluster_size = 2  # set the minimum size of cluster groups. (Lower number = tighter groups)
Oh boy oh boy...I will definitely try this out!

BlogPro said:

So SearchSolved UK have a clustering script hosted on a Google Collab -

You can access it here - https://colab.research.google.com/g..._Semantic_Clustering_Tool_by_LeeFootSEO.ipynb

How to use?

1. Open the above link
2. Goto "Runtime" and "Change Runtime Type" and set the "Hardware Accelerator" to "GPU"
3. Hit "Ctrl + F9" OR goto "Runtime" and select "Run All" (If you see a prompt from Google, hit "Run Anyway").
4. Wait for a few seconds - as Collab runs the script in parts - you can read the explanation below every part of the code.
5. The script will stop at "File Type"
6. Click on Upload and upload a CSV with a maximum of 50K rows - make sure it contains column headings and a column called "Keyword"
7. Let 'er rip!

The script will cluster your keywords and append a new cluster column to your keyword set.

How it works?

It uses the Fast Clustering Algorithm by UPKLabs - https://github.com/UKPLab/sentence-...es/applications/clustering/fast_clustering.py

And a bunch of Pretrained SentenceTransformers Models from here - https://www.sbert.net/docs/pretrained_models.html

Tweaking Settings

You can tweak a few things

For instance, under "Choose a Sentence Transformer" you can select the Transformer model from the above list.

#transformer = 'all-mpnet-base-v2' # provides the best quality
transformer = 'all-MiniLM-L6-v2' # 5 times faster and still offers good quality
You can also play around with Cluster Accuracy and Minimum Cluster Size

cluster_accuracy = 85 # 0-100 (100 = very tight clusters, but higher percentage of no_cluster groups)
min_cluster_size = 2 # set the minimum size of cluster groups. (Lower number = tighter groups)
Click to expand...
Oh boy oh boy...I will definitely try this out!


@Roger Marquez Did you try it out? How was it?
As the title says, I am looking for that can process a list with thousands and thousands of keywords and automatically cluster/sort/group them semantically or by search intent.

Till now I´ve been using a free tool called https://cluster.army/ and even tho it provide "OK" results more often than not I have to clean the data because it generates weird or inconsistent results.

I am aware of some SEO tools that offer this but they are very expensive so, I would like to know what you guys use to cluster a large number of keywords and if you´re 100% happy with the results.

Thoughts? Maybe have a look at the tool by https://rush-analytics.com/land/keyword-clustering?
Hi there. Have a look at the clustering tool by Rush Analytics. The tool is said to cluster 5,000 keywords in 5 minutes.
Hi there. Have a look at the clustering tool by Rush Analytics. The tool is said to cluster 5,000 keywords in 5 minutes.
I have never heard of Rush Analytics, but their prices look pretty damn affordable, and I am not just talking about the keyword clustering tool but all across the board.

Even for their lower tier, clustering a list of 5,000 keywords would be like $33, which is really good in comparison to other tools on the market.

Thanks for the suggestion!!
Hi there. Have a look at the clustering tool by Rush Analytics. The tool is said to cluster 5,000 keywords in 5 minutes.
I have never heard of Rush Analytics, but their prices look pretty damn affordable, and I am not just talking about the keyword clustering tool but all across the board.

Even for their lower tier, clustering a list of 5,000 keywords would be like $33, which is really good in comparison to other tools on the market.

Thanks for the suggestion!!

The only accept crypto as payment method
The Russian version of the website has different payment options.
Also, they are very active on the web chat.
So you can send them a message, and they will reply shortly.
If you want to find other Russian tools for clustering, open Yandex.ru and type "кластеризация запросов."
KeyWI is what I prefer use for this. heir clustering tool might be worth a look for you. Not sure what you class as 'expensive' but their plans start at 34 Euros per month.
KeyWI is what I prefer use for this. heir clustering tool might be worth a look for you. Not sure what you class as 'expensive' but their plans start at 34 Euros per month.
I don´t see the KW clustering feature anywhere on the site...


So SearchSolved UK have a clustering script hosted on a Google Collab -

You can access it here - https://colab.research.google.com/github/searchsolved/search-solved-public-seo/blob/main/search_engine_journal/SEJ_Semantic_Clustering_Tool_by_LeeFootSEO.ipynb

How to use?

1. Open the above link
2. Goto "Runtime" and "Change Runtime Type" and set the "Hardware Accelerator" to "GPU"
3. Hit "Ctrl + F9" OR goto "Runtime" and select "Run All" (If you see a prompt from Google, hit "Run Anyway").
4. Wait for a few seconds - as Collab runs the script in parts - you can read the explanation below every part of the code.
5. The script will stop at "File Type"
6. Click on Upload and upload a CSV with a maximum of 50K rows - make sure it contains column headings and a column called "Keyword"
7. Let 'er rip!

The script will cluster your keywords and append a new cluster column to your keyword set.

How it works?

It uses the Fast Clustering Algorithm by UPKLabs - https://github.com/UKPLab/sentence-transformers/blob/master/examples/applications/clustering/fast_clustering.py

And a bunch of Pretrained SentenceTransformers Models from here - https://www.sbert.net/docs/pretrained_models.html

Tweaking Settings

You can tweak a few things

For instance, under "Choose a Sentence Transformer" you can select the Transformer model from the above list.

#transformer = 'all-mpnet-base-v2'  # provides the best quality
transformer = 'all-MiniLM-L6-v2'  # 5 times faster and still offers good quality

You can also play around with Cluster Accuracy and Minimum Cluster Size

cluster_accuracy = 85  # 0-100 (100 = very tight clusters, but higher percentage of no_cluster groups)
min_cluster_size = 2  # set the minimum size of cluster groups. (Lower number = tighter groups)
Hello, the following error has occurred and I am unable to proceed.
keyclusters. com is the cheapest one on the market right now.

So SearchSolved UK have a clustering script hosted on a Google Collab -

You can access it here - https://colab.research.google.com/g..._Semantic_Clustering_Tool_by_LeeFootSEO.ipynb

How to use?

1. Open the above link
2. Goto "Runtime" and "Change Runtime Type" and set the "Hardware Accelerator" to "GPU"
3. Hit "Ctrl + F9" OR goto "Runtime" and select "Run All" (If you see a prompt from Google, hit "Run Anyway").
4. Wait for a few seconds - as Collab runs the script in parts - you can read the explanation below every part of the code.
5. The script will stop at "File Type"
6. Click on Upload and upload a CSV with a maximum of 50K rows - make sure it contains column headings and a column called "Keyword"
7. Let 'er rip!

The script will cluster your keywords and append a new cluster column to your keyword set.

How it works?

It uses the Fast Clustering Algorithm by UPKLabs - https://github.com/UKPLab/sentence-...es/applications/clustering/fast_clustering.py

And a bunch of Pretrained SentenceTransformers Models from here - https://www.sbert.net/docs/pretrained_models.html

Tweaking Settings

You can tweak a few things

For instance, under "Choose a Sentence Transformer" you can select the Transformer model from the above list.

#transformer = 'all-mpnet-base-v2'  # provides the best quality
transformer = 'all-MiniLM-L6-v2'  # 5 times faster and still offers good quality

You can also play around with Cluster Accuracy and Minimum Cluster Size

cluster_accuracy = 85  # 0-100 (100 = very tight clusters, but higher percentage of no_cluster groups)
min_cluster_size = 2  # set the minimum size of cluster groups. (Lower number = tighter groups)
BHW is gem!
If I had dug this post sooner I could've saved a huge time searching for clustering tools all by myself.

I found this script months later! What a time wasted!
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