[Question] How Many Articles For New Site?


Registered Member
Apr 11, 2011
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I have a question about the amount of articles for a somewhat authority site.

I know it is important to always have new, unique content added to your website... But how much new content is necessary?

I guess what I'm asking is, at what point(how many articles) can I begin to scale back on my content creation? Say I have 50, 100, or 500 articles can I then start to scale back and add new content say once or twice a month? Or is it necessary to keep creating new content?

I know I've hit a decent amount of the related long tails for my main keyword, and will continue to get to all of them.

Does what I'm asking make sense? Sorry if it is "noobish", but I am just beginning to get into authority type niche sites and want to start my first one right.

Thanks :D
If its authority site then you should have a huge collection of content on all or most of the sub topics. Eg., your authority site is about AIDS then your site should have A to Z details about AIDS causes, symptoms, medications, eating habits, etc., So, a shit load of huge content on your website. Once a visitor lands your side he should get all the details on your site.
How frequently to feed content depends actually on your budget some may buy content paying $5 per article for then its hard to post 2 - 3 articles a day it will hit the ROI.
The best practice is post 1 content a day and ping it. But there is no harm posting 1 content a week. But its not advisable to feed 2 articles per month. :))
I never test this , but on all of my sites , i try to make 3 post per day , at least 1000 words per post for 1st month , then i starting SEO , build baclink , etc.
I try to post on my authority site at least 3 times a week. It keeps the content fresh.

In my niche I already have all the basic information up, and just updated a blog with some of the new information that comes up in my selected niche. Ocassionally I add videos, or have guest posters.

I think it really depends on the type of niche you are in. If it is AID and you already have A to Z on there, you wont be adding pages of content each week, but I would try to incorporates something that keeps your site changing, and google seeing your content new and fresh.
There is no hard and fast rule for number of articles. It completely depends on webmaster how many article that want to post each day. Even most of the webmaster prefer to 5 good and lengthy articles each day for website and 10 for blog posts.
I liked Scorpion King's answer for authority sites. You learn something everyday.
Article building is a none stop job - than more than better. As far as going into specific numbers of how many articles should you have on your authority site, I would say at least 1,500.
It is necessary to keep updating your blog with unique high quality article. As long as your website haven't go into the first page of Google, keep posting 5 articles a day. After that you can go with 1 article.
same question as the o.p. -BUT- when building a site for a local business, how many articles would you guys recommend, for instance with an architect, theres only so much you can say. how deep do you go into a subject?

if it was a plastic surgeon specialising in rhinoplasty, would you do articles about nose jobs and rhinoplasty and septoplasty and nose surgery, leaving you with a total of 4 articles because if so, thats not much.

or if it was an accountant, would you do something on tax returns, book-keeping, payroll and say the importance of keeping records for whatever the legal minimum requirement was, because again, thats not very much content unless you start going into the minuteia of each specific topic?

i always find myself struggling.

for instance, i recently had a company specialising in tree stump removal a while ago and i think we just about scraped together 5 articles and believe me, that really was a struggle!
Ask BTB how many articles he has lol , Content is king :D
i start with 5 articles on day 1. If its targeting wide niche then i keep on adding 2-3 posts daily and after 15-20 days reduce to 1 post/day or even less. the best i have done so far is around 350 posts on 1 site in like 4-5 months. if i am going to stop at 20 articles then i will put up 5 articles and keep posting 1 article every 3-4 th day. its always good to have as much content as you can post on site because they bring traffic from long terms.
For me, I did 3 Articles for 1st week.

Then second update 2 Article for 2nd week.

After 1 - 2 months. Go for 2 Articles per week constantly.