Question Blackhatters on ****** & Twitterfeed


Junior Member
Feb 24, 2010
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I'm including my API code for ****** on twitterfeed so that it will automatically shorten the links coming from my RSS site but I'm wondering if anyone knows how to further hide the use of "******" by using as well?
I also used ****** on twitterfeed but it doesn't automatic post link ******. It posted link

You can hide link by Replace "domain=******" with "" if you wish to use our domain.
twitterfeed will in fact tweet the raw adfly url link by using the adfly API but what I was wondering is whether there is a way of wrapping that adfly into a bitly first and then tweeting the bitly url link instead of the raw adfly link that gets tweeted by twitterfeed

I also used ****** on twitterfeed but it doesn't automatic post link ******. It posted link

You can hide link by Replace "domain=******" with "" if you wish to use our domain.
I used to do this but even if it's automatic, the income is to low.

I wasn't using TweetFeed (never used it) but I was using WP Rss Poster and AdFly Wordpress plugin.

AdFly can convert all your outgoing and internal links using the API, and Rss Poster has options to shorten the links that it Tweets, and bitly is one of the options. So there you have it.

It will Tweet the shortened AdFly links with Bitly

Have fun
WP Rss poster apply a twitter account. While I want to post content and link to many account.
Anyone knows how to post link ****** or paid shorten link to twitter accounts.
Just found this thread through Google but if you guys still are looking for a way to hide adfly before it hits twitterfeed, you can use Yahoo Pipes to do it but it's a bit complicated.

Take a look at the Bitly API /v3/shorten.

Sign up with Yahoo Pipes and create two pipes
First Pipe should look like this but instead, use the bitly api:

Second Pipe:
Fetch Feed (with your rss) > Regex (make sure the link you want converted to bitly shows up in a field like item.body) > Loop (put your first pipe in here and set to convert item.body) > Output

That's a really rough explanation but let me know if you have any questions. What I would do is isolate your message (without link) and put it as item.title. Then isolate your link to item.body. Twitterfeed will then publish both title and body.

FYI, I wouldn't use twitterfeed. Did that for quite a few months but was definitely unreliable. Try instead.