[Question] Account used for Lead Generation on LinkedIn


Apr 20, 2018
Reaction score
I wanted to start generating leads for a friend's business on LinkedIn, but I'm not sure what's the best way to approach potential buyers, what account to use for it.

Do you use your personal account, company's account, or a newly created account on LinkedIn for generating B2B leads?
Personal account. Get 501+ contacts/followers. Then reach out to prospects in a manner befitting your industry. LinkedIn is about building connections and relationships.
Right, but if I have company's page with over 400 followers is it better to use it for reaching out or create personal account as someone in this industry and point them to company's page? I think I could create personal account and say in job description that it's working in marketing for this company.

I don't have personal account linked under this company and I was just wondering what looks more creditable.
I would say having both a company page and personal account would server you better for that purpose, just with the additional avenues of getting word around. It might get tricky to manage both but it should be well worth it after all the work and effort put in. Consider it, if you're so inclined. Could be something there, after all.